This page has a list of all active reprap electronics. It is still a work in progress.
For a list of electronics that compares features, see the Comparison of Electronics page.
For a list of out-of-date electronics, see Deprecated Electronics.
32 bits Community based, tested and supported electronics
For 32-bit boards see the 32-bit boards category
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Name : Generation 7 Electronics
Creator : Traumflug
Status : active as of March, 2016
Gen7 is an easy to use, robust and DIY-able board. PCBs can be bought, milled or etched DIY.
- License: CC BY-NC-SA.
- Designed for DIY-ability.
- NXP LPC1114 processor, delivering up to 130'000 steps/second.
- Up to 1/32 microstepping (uses exchangeable Pololus/StepSticks)
- Typically 48 MHz CPU clock, overclockable.
Compatible Firmware
Where to Get Parts and/or Full Assemblies
Kits available at RepRap DIY.
Documentation/Schematics & Misc. Notes
Details for building are on the Gen7 page. You can download the schematics which are developed using gEDA over at Github. You can download them by typing:
git clone
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Name : SmoothieBoard
Creator : Arthur
Status : active
ARM-based RepRap electronics
- License=GPL CERN OHL ( Open Hardware )
- Single board solution, integrated motor drivers ( with easy external driver connection )
- Based on LPC1769 ( 120Mhz, 64kB RAM, 512kB ROM ) Cortex-M3 microcontroller
- A lot of features standard on board, including microSD card, digital current control.
- Easy file-based configuration ( no compilation, no firmware upload )
- 2, 4 or 6 Mosfets ( capable of double extrusion ).
- Integrated well-cooled A5984 stepper drivers, capable of going to their full 2A, 1/32 microstepping (3, 4 or 5 drivers depending board version)
- USB interface exposing serial and mass storage
- Design with focus on cost and connectors options
- Ethernet ( including web interface and network access via Pronterface )
- Extremely feature-rich
- Can also control CNC mills and laser cutters
- Large dedicated community
Compatible Firmware
Where to Get Parts and/or Full Assemblies
See Getting a smoothieboard.
Documentation/Schematics & Misc. Notes
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Name : Duet
Creator : Think3dPrint3d and RepRapPro
Status : active
32 bits Arduino Due compatible ARM-based integrated electronics
- License=CERN OHW License 1.2
- Single board solution 123x100mm, 2 versions (V0.6: 4 drivers, V0.8.5: 5 drivers)
- 32 bits SAM3X8E ARM processor, same as in the Arduino Due
- Integrated stepper drivers A4982 with firmware controlled current, 2A
- Connector for Duex4 expansion board adding 4 more axes for 5/6 material printing
- On board SD 2.0 compliant uSD card slot (supports SDHC cards) for autonomous printing
- Ethernet Port with transfer speed up to 400 kb/s with fast SD-card. Programmable MAC address
- Integrated web server for control with a browser via Ethernet or control via USB
- Supports RepRap Firmware features such as IR Z probe, axis compensation, digital current control and multi extruder mixing. DC42 fork support delta, H and CoreXY kinematics.
- Support touchscreen interface PanelDue
- Fully Open Source and designed in KiCAD, Open Source EDA software
Compatible Firmware
Where to Get Parts and/or Full Assemblies
See RepRap Wiki, Duet Where to get it.
Documentation/Schematics & Misc. Notes
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Name : Replicape
Creator : Elias Bakken
Status : active
Replicape is a high end add on board for BeagleBone Black featuring 5 TMC2100 stepper motor controllers, 3 heater MosFets, 4 fans and 6 endstops. It has support for 2 servos, inductive sensor and cold end monitoring.
- License=CC-BY-SA
- High power TMC2100 stepper drivers with 1/256 microstepping
- Support for two extruders
- Up to 4 fans/LED strips/Solenoids
- 6 End stop inputs
- Dallas 1-wire connector for up to 10 temperature probes.
- On board 12 V and 5 V step down DC-DC converters.
- Ethernet, USB host/device, SPI, I2C, WiFi through dongle
- Programmable microstepping and current for the stepper motors.
- Dedicated 200 MHz on-chip CPU for stepper timings (PRU)
- PWM and MosFet drivers on all MosFets.
- 4 GB on board flash and MicroSD slot
- HDMI output for 4.3" capacitive touch screen Manga Screen
- CPU: ARM Cortex-A8 1 GHz
Compatible Firmware
Where to Get Parts and/or Full Assemblies
Available through the web shop: [
Documentation/Schematics & Misc. Notes
See the RepRap wiki Replicape
8 bits community based, tested and supported electronics
For 8/16-bit boards see the 8/16-bit boards category
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Name : Melzi
Creator : Joem
Status : active as of May, 2013
Melzi is a low-cost all-in-one solution for Reprap and other CNC devices. It features an on board Sanguino clone using the ATMEGA644P or ATMEGA1284P. Its four axes are powered by Pololu pin compatible stepper drivers.
- License=GPL V2
- On board Pololu stepper drivers
- ATmega based
- up to 1/16 microstepping
Compatible Firmware
Where to Get Parts and/or Full Assemblies
Documentation/Schematics & Misc. Notes
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Name : PiBot for Repetier Motherboard
Creator : panxinlong7373
Status : active as of July, 2013
Designed for Repetier and PiBot-box .
- It Offer an easy convert solution that to change your CNC machine into a 3D printer.
- Easy use for DIY enthusiast, convenience for secondary development.
- More extrude header and more types of machine support.
- Make it similar to computer host and you can easily handle it only plug few cables.
- PiBot-Box development kit Supported. Offer a set of solution to your electronics. Easy use and transplant.
- IDC & HT-396 cold-pressed terminal,It means these anti-plug linker is very convenience,fast and reliable.
- build-in pins assignment silk in the Top Over layer. It more convenience to change or make your own assignment.
- Officially authorization to add the Repetier terms on the boards. Support all the function in the Repetier-Host and Repetier-Firmware.
- Compatible all of the pins in the Arduino Mega 2560 and Arduino ADK
- It's flexible! Capability to supply motors and heaters with a different voltage.
- The heat bed with independent power source and Self-recovered safety. With two MOSFET parallel solution that can driver more powerful heat bed(optional function, you can use the soldered MOSFET only).
- It's affordable! PCBs are easy to buy or to manufacture PiBot, RepRap, CNC machine or to etch DIY.
- Heater driver with heat sink,compatible more powerful heated header.
- PiBot for Repetier Motherboard and PiBot TB6600 Stepper Driver are discrete solutions.
- CPU: ATmega2560, ATmega1280 (Atmel Corp.)
- 4x to 6x PiBot TB6600 Stepper Driver, exchangeable, up to 4.5A output and 45v input,adjustable microstepping. Using a IDC-24pin port, neat and dust-free finish.
- USB connector.
- Integrated hardware for a fan, three extruder, a heated bed, 4 temperature sensor, 6 PiBot Endstops.
- IDC-20pin expand port, include: SD cards, keys, dispaly LCD (lcd1602 or lcd2004),reset button.
- Extension Boards for additional extruder, temperature sensor, fans, I2C bus device.
- Extraction free pins use for whatever is desireable.
- Single Supply, use the LM317File:LM317 for PiBot.pdf 3-terminal adjustable regulater, 5v supply solution. So the input can up to 40v.
- All parts are licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 .
Compatible Firmware
Where to Get Parts and/or Full Assemblies
see PiBot hardware and how to DIY one PiBot for Repetier.
Documentation/Schematics & Misc. Notes
Details are on the [
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Name : RAMPS
Creator : johnnyr
Status : active as of August, 2011
Arduino MEGA based modular RepRap electronics.
RAMPS has become the most popular, most used RepRap electronics from 2012 up until the present date (february 2015). It shares circuitry concepts (stepper driver, thermistor, heater MOSFETs, etc.) with many other electronics. Also note that the price of both the RAMPS board and the Arduino Mega 2560 as well as the Pololu drivers has been driven down by copycat manufacturers in China (warning: the quality of clone parts can vary a lot from manufacturer to manufacturer and even between lots from the same manufacturer).
- License=GPL
- Built on stable Arduino Mega base
- Modular - easier to troubleshoot
- ATmega based
- up to 1/32 microstepping (using DRV8825 based driver boards)
- etch resist prepared up to v1.3, v1.4 is optimized for smd
Compatible Firmware
Where to Get Parts and/or Full Assemblies
See RAMPS "How to get it".
Documentation/Schematics & Misc. Notes
Other RAMPS derivatives exist :
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Name : Sanguinololu
Creator : Joem
Status : active
Sanguinololu is a low-cost all-in-one Pololu Electronics solution for Reprap and other CNC devices. It features an onboard Sanguino clone using the ATMEGA644P though a ATMEGA1284 is easily dropped in. Its four axes are powered by Pololu pin compatible stepper drivers.
- License=GPL
- Pololu interchangable motor drivers
- ATmega based
- up to 1/16 microstepping
Compatible Firmware
Where to Get Parts and/or Full Assemblies
See Sanguinololu's "How to get it"
Documentation/Schematics & Misc. Notes
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Name : SAV MKI
Creator : fm
Status : active
The SAV MkI is an affordable all-in-one Pololu Electronics solution for 3D printer devices. This 3D printer board electronics has been designed using all the great contributions and feedback from the RepRap CloneWars group Proyecto_Clone_Wars in Spain.
It improves upon the previous production-grade electronics set by adding well dimensioned logic-level power MOSFETS, SD card support, on-board regulated 3.3V to connect to 3.3V level peripherals such us Bluetooth, as well as improving on USB link's reliability and reducing cost by eliminating the FTDI UART chip.
The SAV MkI is a derivative of Teensylu and the Printrboard, an AT90USB1286 development board originally based on Sanguinololu. The Atmel AT90USB1286 MCU has an on-chip USB, removing the need for the FTDI UART (USB-to-serial) IC. On-chip USB means that you will get faster firmware upload times, communications, g-code transfer and reduce the time file transfers take from the host to the on-board microSD card. The AT90USB connects at any baud rate regardless of firmware configuration, and operates virtually free of serial communication errors/pauses.
- License=CC-BY-SA
- Hotend and heatbed well dimensioned FETs that can take up to 15A without heat-sinks.
- High speed native USB interface connectivity going up to 12Mbps so that there is no lag on your prints.
- 12V built-in fan controller for your layer fan or hot end cooling.
- Micro SD reader for autonomous printing.
- Bluetooth dongle (dongle not provided, tested with HC-05 and HC-06) interface adapted to its logic levels for wireless operation.
- Expansion bus to connect a keyboard and LCD. Checkout its LCD companion the SAV 3D LCD
- Support for 4 standard pololu compatible stepper motor drivers.
- Up to 1/32 stepping with DRV8825 driver
- CPU: AT90USB1286 (Atmel Corp.)
- Integrated hardware for a fan and 2 12V dedicated outputs.
- Expansion port for LCD module SAV 3D LCD
Compatible Firmware
- Marlin (recommend to download from the SAV MkI wiki page - SAV_MKI)
Where to Get Parts and/or Full Assemblies
See SAV MkI "Where to get one"
Documentation/Schematics & Misc. Notes
RAMPS derivatives (8 bits)
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Name : Megatronics
Creator : Brupje
Status : active
Arduino compatible RepRap electronics
- License=GPL
- Single board solution, +/- 12x12cm
- Powerful Atmega 2560 on board
- A lot of features standard on board, including SD card and thermocouple support
- Compatible with the standard Arduino software
- Cheaper solution, because it's one board
- Easily extendible with LCD and keypad!
Compatible Firmware
Where to Get Parts and/or Full Assemblies
See Megatronics "How to get it".
Documentation/Schematics & Misc. Notes
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Creator : Domonoky
Status : active
Arduino Mega compatible RepRap electronics
- License=GPL /Cern OHL
- Size +- 6x10cm
- Arduino Mega shield
- Five extension slots for DICE stepper drivers or other extensions
- Compatible with the standard Arduino software
- Very powerful stepper drivers available. Up to 5A and 256x substepping depending on the choosen DICEs.
- Easily extendible with LCD, SD card and keypad!
Compatible Firmware
Where to Get Parts and/or Full Assemblies
See 2PrintBeta
Documentation/Schematics & Misc. Notes
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Creator : Domonoky
Status : active
Arduino Due compatible RepRap electronics
- License=GPL /Cern OHL
- Size +- 6x10cm
- Arduino Due shield - 84Mhz processing power
- Five extension slots for DICE stepper drivers or other extensions
- Compatible with the standard Arduino software
- Very powerful stepper drivers available. Up to 5A and 256x substepping depending on the choosen DICEs.
- Easily extendible with LCD, SD card and keypad!
- Wifi extension available
Compatible Firmware
Where to Get Parts and/or Full Assemblies
See 2PrintBeta
Documentation/Schematics & Misc. Notes
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Name : SinapTec
Creator : jobo
Status : active as of August 2017, v328.02
Arduino Nano based modular RepRap electronics. Etchable. DIY
SinapTec uses the Arduino Nano. It shares circuitry concepts (stepper driver, thermistor, form factor.heater MOSFETs, etc.) with many other electronics that have the RAMPS form factor. The Arduino Nano is probably the cheapest Arduino board, with clones, that use standard RepRap firmware.
- License=GPL
- Built on stable Arduino base
- Modular - easier to troubleshoot and repair
- ATmega based
- up to 1/32 microstepping (using DRV8825 based driver boards)
- etchable, customisable - DIY
Compatible Firmware
Where to Get Parts and/or Full Assemblies
Documentation/Schematics & Misc. Notes
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Name : 3drag controller
Creator : Boris Landoni
Status : active
Arduino compatible RepRap electronics
- License=told to be GPL, but only schematic image and BOM published, see Licenses
- Small design - board is 110mm x 65mm
- Powerful Atmega 2560 on board
- Up to 4 Pololu stepper driver boards (or Pololu compatible) on-board (X,Y,Z,Extruder)
- FT232RL on-board for USB connectivity
- 2 input thermistor
- 3 N-MOSFETs for extruder, bed and fan
- Selectable 12v/5v voltage or mechanical endstop
- Extra pins available for expansion and development
- Comunication LED and driver LED
- All SMD components
- Compatible with the standard Arduino software
- Cheaper solution
- Easily extendible with LCD and keypad!
Compatible Firmware
Where to Get Parts and/or Full Assemblies
Documentation/Schematics & Misc. Notes
Commercial alternatives
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Name : AZSMZ Mini
Creator : cxandy
Status : active
32 bits ARM-based integrated electronics, plug-in drivers, smoothie compatible
- License= Not mentioned on board nor on published documents
- Single board solution with plug-in drivers, 104x68mm
- 32BIT NPC LPC1768 ARM processor.
- Compatible with LPC1768 based firmeware
- 5 Driver sockets For A4988 (default is 1/16 micro stepping) or DRV8825 (default is 1/32 micro stepping
- 1 High Current Mosfet for Heat bed control
- 1 Mosfet for Hotend control
- 1 FAN Mosfet
- 4 end stops and 3 thermistor inputs
- Wide input high efficiency switching Power supply (5v @ 1A max)
- Micro SD card slot built in
- USB interface exposing serial and mass storage
Compatible Firmware
Where to Get Parts and/or Full Assemblies
Documentation/Schematics & Misc. Notes
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Creator : cxandy
Status : active
Arduino Due Shield
- license=indicated GPL on board schematic, but sources are not supplied, see licenses
- board size 10x6cm
- Built on stable Arduino Due base
- Modular - easier to troubleshoot
- 5 plug-in drivers up to 1/32 microstepping (using DRV8825 based driver boards)
Compatible Firmware
Where to Get Parts and/or Full Assemblies
Documentation/Schematics & Misc. Notes
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Name : R2C2
Creator : bitBOX
Status : site dead, no development since 2012
R2C2 is FAST (ARM 32bits running at 100MHz!), is the new cutting edge technology that drives RepRap 3D printers at their maximum speed!!!
Please read more on the official web page:
- license=CC-BY-NC (You are free: to Share and Remix. Under the following conditions: Attribution and Noncommercial)
- Just one board, a complete solution, to control your RepRap 3D printer (can also control any other 3D printer/laser/milling);
- Plug and print - you will receive it completed assembled, tested, with proper versions of software and manuals on MicroSD card. No need to search on the web for the correct versions!
- High speed printing and quality due to the cutting edge technology 32 bits ARM microcontroller running at 100MHz with fast integrated USB controller;
- Heated Bed support;
- MicroSD Card for stand alone printing (no need to be connected to a computer while printing) and to store board configurations in human readable text files.
- Buzzer to alert user of the different states of the 3D printing process, like end of machine heating, start and end of printing, etc;
- USB bootloader working as a USB Mass Storage device (works on Linux, Windows and MAC OS) - you will just need to copy/paste new firmwares to board as if is a USB pen flash;
- Expansion header to support other functionalities like a second extruder for support material, support a laser to engrave/cut paper, wood, ABS, PLA, etc};
- 24/12 volts power input. At 24 volts power losses on cables are lower providing faster heating making it quicker to start printing;
- All the firmware were developed with OpenSource development tools: ARM GCC, ARM GDB, OpenOCD JTAG Programmer/Debugger and Eclipse. We intend to continue developing firmware and expansion modules, for adding new features. We envision the R2C2 to became the "Arduino" of the RepRap world.
- Open Source: R2C2 source files of PCB, schematic and firmware are available on R2C2 Github account and so every user can take advantage and improve/adapt/hack R2C2 for his own purposes.
Compatible Firmware
R2C2 firmware is a mix of the famous GRBL and TeaCup firmwares. Latest stable firmware binary file can be download here and is ready to flash using R2C2 USB bootloader.
R2C2 firmware sources are on R2C2 Firmware Github.
Where to Get Parts and/or Full Assemblies
The quick and easy to install R2C2 complete electronics kit for RepRap 3D Printers can be found here.
Documentation/Schematics & Misc. Notes
R2C2 Electronics documentation, support and shop on official site:
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Name : 4pi
Creator : Kliment
Status : active
ARM-based RepRap electronics
- License=GPL
- Single board solution, +/- pix4 inches
- Based on Atmel SAM3U Cortex-M3 microcontroller
- A lot of features standard on board, including microSD card, digital current control.
- 5 Mosfets, 5 well-cooled stepper drivers ( supports dual extrusion )
- High-speed USB interface
Compatible Firmware
Where to Get Parts and/or Full Assemblies
See Web shop
Documentation/Schematics & Misc. Notes
Further reading
If you have some knowledge of electronics and want to help us make better electronics,
check out the ideas at Vaporware Electronics, FuturePlans, FutureToolIdeas, FirmwareWishList, Alternative Electronics, ideas to place