PiBot TB6600 Stepper Driver

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PiBot TB6600 Stepper Driver

Release status: working

Part of PiBot Electronics,Stepper Driver
CAD Models
External Link
PiBot TB6600 Stepper Driveris a part of PiBot electronics. It put forward a easy solution to make your 3D printer and CNC machine. Not only an electronic board, but also an PiBot-box which's function is similar to the computer Host and you can easily handle it only plug few terminals.


The PiBot TB6600 Stepper Driver is a TOSHIBA TB6600HG based driver.

  • Features of stepper Driver
    • PWM chopper-type single-chip bipolar sinusoidal micro-step stepping motor driver.
    • BiCD 0.13 (50 V) process, Lower Ron: 0.4 Ω(typ.).
    • Output withstand voltage: VCC = 50 V.
    • Output current: IOUT = 5.0 A (absolute maximum ratings, peak, within 100ms);IOUT = 4.5 A (operating range, maximal. value);More Stepper motors you can choose (NEMA17,NEMA23 and a few NEMA34). weld 6*1W external resister sensor.
    • Thermal shut down (TSD) protection.
    • Under voltage lock out (UVLO) protection.
    • Over-current detection (ISD) protection.
    • Double input port: Anti-reverse structure IDC haeder( 8pin symmetrical input) & HT-396-4pin input (suit for DIY).
    • Stepless adjustable reference voltage.
    • Compatible the CNC Stepper Motor.
    • Offer an solution to change your CNC to 3D Printer.
    • Board size: 51.1*58.5mm ; fix hole: 43.9*45.7mm -Carry 60*60*10mm aluminum Heat sink which build-in fix hole and connection hole.
    • Auto half current, energy conservation.
    • Photoelectric-isolation used in the input port,compatible more drive Level.
    • Programmable micro step - 1/1, 1/2A, 1/2B, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16.
    • Affordable price.
    • For purchasing or more information, please contact PiBot, or one of the resellers.
    • Any idea to develop this motor driver, you can ask [Pan Xinlong].
    • All parts are licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 .

How to get it and related products

Driver Connection and PiBot Box Use

PiBot TB6600 Stepper Driver Connection image

PiBox Inventor Design

Assembled PiBot Box

The second generation of PiBot Box will put forward which can include 6 motor driver and the Manual Controller.

Settings of Driver

PiBot TB6600 Stepper Driver all input pins build-in connect to GND with a 100KΩ resistance.

M1(input) M2(input) M3(input) Mode (Excitation) Illustrate
L L L standby mode (operation of the internal circuit is almost turned off) H-High voltage, L-Low voltage
L L H 1/1(2-phase excitation, full-step)
L H L 1/2A type (1-2phase excitation A type) (0%-71%-100%)
L H H 1/2B type (1-2phase excitation B type) (0%-100%)
H L L 1/4 (W1-2phase excitation)
H L H 1/8 (2W1-2phase excitation)
H H L 1/16 (4W1-2phase excitation)
H H H standby mode (operation of the internal circuit is almost turned off)

Auto\Latch(input) Effect Illustrate
L TSD and ISD functions return by either of turning on power supply again or

programming the ENABLE as H → L → H || default set to High

H TSD and ISD functions return automatically

TQ(input) Vref Voltage Ratio Effect Illustrate
L 30% of the input Vref decrease 70% Motor current default set to High
H 100% of the input Vref full current,more power

adjust the Vref to set the stepper motor current

100% Current Settings (Current value)

100% current value is determined by Vref inputted from external part and the external resistance for detecting output current. Vref is doubled 1/3 inside IC. Per the [TB6600 datasheet], the calculation for current is:

  Io(100%) = (1/3 × Vref) ÷ RNF

The average current is lower than the calculated value because this IC has the method of peak current detection.

RNF should be 0.68||0.68||0.68=0.2267Ω

Sometimes this value can be set by experiment, that Stepper motor not heating, small noise and the chip do not get too hot.

How to Build

Not Open Source?
While the following files give an idea how the schematics looks, it isn't editable. Also, the Layout has both sides laid on top of each other, so it's impossible to etch/make a copy. Both are reasons to consider this stepper driver to be not Open Source. To resolve this, please add original design files of both. Thank you.

    • solder surface mounting components
  • Use SMT soldering toolkit
    • Apply solder paste to every exposed SMD pad.
    • Place each SMD component on its appropriate pad.
    • Place populated board on a cold hotplate,turn hotplate on,board solders itself!
    • Solder in remaining through hole components.
  • If you without a soldering toolkit, you can also use an tweezers and an soldering iron finish them by manual.

    • solder through hole components
  • Use soldering toolkit
    • Insert through hole components.
    • solder all these pins to the pad.

    • solder chip in bottom layer
  • Solder the TB6600 in bottom
  • Be careful, please ensure no short cut and insufficient solder.

    • solder chip in bottom layer
  • Test
    • Before plug in the power source, you first need to check the polarity of electrolytic capacitor, chip and diode.
    • Use an digital multimeter to test the resistance value of the power. Usually, it has a increase resister. Ensure no short cut and insufficient solder.
    • Now, you can plug in the power source, the power LED (red) lighten. Usually,the Run LED(green or red) lighten(it not related).
    • Connect the control pins and output pins(A1-Red A2-Green B1-Yellow B2-Blue or A1-Black A2-Green B1-Red B2-Blue), input signal,

  • stepper Motor and Driver Connection
A1(output) A2(output) B1(output) B1(output)
Red wire Green wire Yellow wire Blue wire
Black wire Green wire Red wire Blue wire

Pin Map

  1. Input, The IDC Header
Pin Name Function
1 Enable Control signal input. set to high input, set to low disable input.
2 direction Forward/reverse control. set to high CW, set to low CCW.
3 clk A pulse on this line will make the stepper motor advance one step in the desired direction.
4 GND Connect to the controller common ground.
5 GND Connect to the controller common ground.
6 clk A pulse on this line will make the stepper motor advance one step in the desired direction.
7 direction Forward/reverse control. set to high CW, set to low CCW.
8 Enable Control signal input. set to high input, set to low disable input.
  1. Input, HT-3.96mm-4pin header
Pin Name Function
1 Enable Control signal input. set to high input, set to low disable input.
2 direction Forward/reverse control. set to high CW, set to low CCW.
3 clk A pulse on this line will make the stepper motor advance one step in the desired direction.
4 GND Connect to the controller common ground.
  1. Input, HT-3.96mm-2pin header
Pin Name Function
1 Power + Input the power source "+" polarity. Limit input:0-45V.
2 Power - Input the power source "-" polarity.
  1. Output, HT-3.96mm-4pin header
Pin Name Function
1 A1 Output of Driver connect to Stepper motor A1-A2
2 A2 Output of Driver connect to Stepper motor A1-A2
3 B1 Output of Driver connect to Stepper motor B1-B2
4 B2 Output of Driver connect to Stepper motor B1-B2


  • PiBox has been put forward. It is made of steel plate, which can contain 1 to 6 drivers and with a good heat sink effection.
  • You can change the connection of the 74HC123D's output pin to the TQ pin(the 3rd pin of TB6600 chip).
  • The new driver design will use the single pin header out going the setting table, so that you can program to them.
