PiBot Endstop

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Crystal Clear action run.png

Release status: working

Part of PiBot Electronics optical limit
CAD Models
see files
External Link



  • It is a non-contact transmission sensing devise, which with fast response time and high sensitive.
  • It is a positive logic electronic model, with 5v DC power pin, GND pin, and digital output pin.
  • It is powered by 5V DC, and has dual output (analog and digital).
  • If nothing stop the infrared illumination Photosensitive three Aurora, it output a low voltage; on the contrary, output high voltage.
  • I notice a very innovative design which based on Hall Effect Hall-Θ, it's very cool.
  • At same time, I found a solution that is use the reflective type infrared sensor and analog Comparator Amplifiers.
  • So that,both the Analog and Digital signal can be output.I believe an amazing design would come from you.you can contact me Pan Xinlong.
  • Price for complete PiBot Endstop - (soldered inc. connection terminal).
  • For purchasing or more information, please contact PiBot, or one of the resellers.

Purchase URL

Test & Work

Hardware Test

  1. Plug in the 5v-DC, if it is correctly connect,the power LED will lighten(red one).
  2. Then, use a slice plug in the 5mm trough ofITR9606-F|ITR9608-F, the work LED lighten(blue one).
  • If you finish steps above, congratulations! you have been finish the hardware test.

Connection and Software Debug

  1. Now, you can connect your cable, and plug in your mother board.
  2. If an Repetier firmware is used in your mother board, you can test the connection of these pins.
  3. Open Repetier-Host, click the "Manual Control", then, input "M119"in the "G-Cod edit box".
  4. Plug in the slice or not, you will get the status change of the endstop in the Host's "Show in log window".

Board images




Parts List

Qnty PartNr Device Footprint
2 D1,D2 Blue,Red led-0805-a
1 R1 180 0603ar
3 R2, R3, R4 1K 0603ar
1 IC1 IRF9606-F/IRF9608-F transmission infrared sensor
1 Connector 3P_Header-2.54 SIP3/3P_HDR_OPT1
2 P3,P2 fix hole-3mm fix hole
100mm Cable

Development in future

Optical reflective type with a cool outline.

Chip solution: TCRT5000 ,LM358 or LM324(four channal) comparator, precision potentiometer

Related design PiBotDevelop.png
