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Revision as of 14:34, 19 January 2015 by Prof braino (talk | contribs) (install current Arduino IDE)
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When I built my Prusa in 2011, I used Sanguino electronics, and Sprinter firmware. PC ran Windows operations system.

Now (2015), I need to modify the firmware. PC is running Linux (Mint 17, similar to Ubuntu).

When I get done here, I will go back and continue the calibration page

I started at the Sanguinololu page, That page is only googe for HARDWARE. For firmware we want the google code page.

sprinter instructios are broken for sanguino / sanguinololu

It seems the names sanguino was changed to sanguinololu at some point. I find that all the references to the Sanguino support now point to a binoculars manufacturer in Australia. Specifically in The readme instructions specify: 3. Get the sanguino software, version 0023

Because this does not lead to sanguino / sanguinololu support, the instructions for sprinter cannot be completed.

Note: Sanguino is an early Arduino board derivative and as it featured an ATmega644P, it required changed Arduino libraries, the Sanguino add-on. Sanguinololu is one of the successors of Generation 3 Electronics and uses the very same chip (or an 1284P), so it used the Sanguino add-on as well. Sanguino board is long gone, but the library still works with Arduino IDE before v1.0 (v0023? v0028?). That said, Gen7 Arduino IDE Support comes with a likewise changed, but updated Arduino library and should get Sprinter to compile on recent Arduino IDEs. In case you happen to actually want that, because Teacup Firmware is smaller as well as faster and features about everything Sprinter does (and a bit more). --Traumflug (talk) 13:18, 16 January 2015 (PST)

Tried Gen7 IDE. The Gen7 Arduino IDE did NOT work with the sanguino, at least according to the instructions I found; likely because the instructions (regarding sanguino) are in bits and peices, and written for other hardware than the sanguino board. There may be a specific Gen7 configuration that is identical to sanguino, but I have not anything that says such. I will come back to Gen7 if I cannot get the recommended firmware to work.

create virtual machine

Create virtual machine using Virtual Box. I'm using 2 cpu's, 2 gig ram, 32 gig virtual hardware. Installing Linux Mint 17 MATE 64 bit. This is a real life saver, as the bad installs toasted the virtual PC. It is much easier to restart with a fresh virtual PC rather than a fresh install on phyiscal PC.

find NEW Sanguino

old Sanguino: looks to be from June 2010, did not work; at least I could not get the tool chain set up in linux mint 17.

stumbled across newer sanguinololu (2012) in Google Code

Specifically , I used...

... listed as compatible with the arduino IDE available in the Linux software center

This is what eventually was able to compile. Notice that the google code sanguino does apear in thetop of the google search results, but is not link in the actual instructions for sanguino, sanguinololu, sprinter. This is why it took a long time to find the correct sanguino package.

install current Arduino IDE

  1. Next install Arduino from Software Center? No, page says:
 --- Ubuntu 12.04 and newer ---
 sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install arduino arduino-core  

This terminal command might be the same as the software center, but I will do this as specified. (after Mint completes updates...)

  The arduino IDE asks to add my user to the dialout group.  

Very nice that this is automatic as this is required.

The Arduino IDE from the software center is 1.0.5 - 2013.05.15

There are also available a 6 and some BETAs, but those don't appear to have any imporvements for 644P, so I will skip those for now.

  Shutdown and restart the PC or virtual machine for the dialout goroup change to take affect.

copy sanguino definitions into Arduino install directories

NOTE: these files are likely different from material in Gen7 or Marlin, so I would have to start over from scratch if this doesn't work again.

  • Find the arduino install directory, check the permission with
  cd /usr/share/arduino/; 
  ls -alF
  • Set permission so we can write to the hardware subdirectory, check they changes with:
 sudo chmod -R 777 hardware
  ls -alF
  • Extract the Sanguino [-0101r1] archive (wherever it was downloaded, this is what we will move shortly).
  • Copy the Sanguino directory to the Arduino install directory /hardware subdirectory (using the file browser). It should end up looking like:
  • start the arduino IDE, there should be a shortcut in the menu popup
  • the first launch will ask to add your user to the dialout group, say yes.
  • check that the sketchbook directory was created in your home directory
  • shutdown and restart the PC (or virtual machine) so the dialout group change takes affect

At this point, the Sanguino support should be in place for the arduino IDE to use.

Find Sprinter

The current version of sprinter from github is at:

So, the readme in the sprinter download says to do things in a slightly different order, and refers to the newer version "sanguinololu".

The arduino software is already in place.

The sanguino support has been copied into the hardware directory.

clone the branch from github:

 git clone

So, I find the directory where sprinter is cloned: /home/sprinter/Sprinter/Sprinter

In Arduino, navigate to Sprinte.pde


Weird Error Message

Error message is:

/usr/share/arduino/hardware/sanguino/cores/arduino/HardwareSerial.cpp:132:15: error: attempt to use poisoned "SIG_USART1_RECV"
 #elif defined(SIG_USART1_RECV)

What the heck does this mean and how do I fix it? Google 'attempt to use poisoned "SIG_USART1_RECV" '

This page says:

   Linux Users, this may help
   (--KD0SKH): If you receive the error 
   HardwareSerial.cpp:132:15: error: attempt to use poisoned "SIG_USART1_RECV when attempting to compile, 
   edit the sanguino's HardwareSerial.cpp file with the path listed in the error code. 
   Comment out the following expressions #elif defined(SIG_USART1_RECV) and #error SIG_USART1_RECV). Afterwards you should be able to compile and upload your FiveD firmware! 
   Works with Arduino IDE 0018 and 0022 on Arch Linux with kernel version 3.12.5. 
   Other potentially relevant information about my environment: avr-gcc 4.8.2, avrdude 6.0.1, libusb-compat 0.1.5, and java-rxtx 2.2pre2 were present on my system. 

This page says: add this as the third line to arduino.h


So edited the Arduino.h in /usr/share/arduino/hardware/sanguino/cores/arduino adding


as third line.

NOTE: Do NOT edit any other arduino.h file, i.e. /usr/share/arduino/hardware/arduino/cores/arduino. We only want to edit the one in the sanguino part.

Verify now runs, no error reported. That was a B1tch!

Dare I try to burn my new firmware into the sagunio at this point? It will either fix my problem, or risk bricking my board. Do it, at worst I get to buy a newer and easier to support board.

Modify Sprinter files

When the tool successfully compiles (the default source code), mod the files to match my rig. Default code now compiles with no error. Modify files per my machine.


I don't know if I need to touch the makefile if the arduino IDE does its job correctly. Skipping for now.


No SD on this machine:

  // Comment out (using // at the start of the line) to disable SD support:
  // #define SDSUPPORT

Select Sanguino:

  // Sanguinololu 1.2 and above = 62
  // #define MOTHERBOARD 33
  #define MOTHERBOARD 62

OK, this is what I needed to change. Last time I had 57.11 & 700. Now the calculation says I need 58.181818 and 625.70629055. This is the bit that should fix my print issues. How did I get 57.11 insttead of 58.18? I didn't know what I was doing. All this effort is to correct this one line. Only took me 3 years to realize there was a problem!

  //// Calibration variables
  // X, Y, Z, E steps per unit - Metric Prusa Mendel with Wade extruder:
  // #define _AXIS_STEP_PER_UNIT {80, 80, 3200/1.25,700}
  #define _AXIS_STEP_PER_UNIT {58.181818, 58.181818, 3200/1.25,625.70629055}

Proper bed travel for this machine:

  //Max Length for Prusa Mendel, check the ways of your axis and set this Values
  const int X_MAX_LENGTH = 190; // 200;
  const int Y_MAX_LENGTH = 180; //200;
  const int Z_MAX_LENGTH = 94; // 100


Put in my own id string

 showString(PSTR("Sprinter20150116 DAW\r\n"));

run MAKE again

Actually, I don't think I need to run make again; the arduino IDE was able to verify with no errors. But this is what happened last time.

 test -d applet || mkdir applet
 echo '#include "WProgram.h"' > applet/Sprinter.cpp
 cat Sprinter.pde >> applet/Sprinter.cpp
 cat /usr/share/arduino/hardware/arduino/cores/arduino/main.cpp >> applet/Sprinter.cpp
 make: *** No rule to make target `/usr/share/arduino/hardware/arduino/cores/arduino/pins_arduino.o', needed by `applet/core.a'.  Stop.

run Arduino IDE?

Need to log out and log in again for the "DIALOUT" group assignement to take affect.

restart the IDE. Use the Sprinter.pde as starting point.

Arduino IDE 1.0.5 (from software center) compiled successfully (after adding lines to sanguino ardiuno.h described above.

Cannot upload. Checking #troubleshooting as recommended by IDE error message. Check the jumper...

CONTINUE HERE 20140118-1800

  • * * * *


git clone

Gen7 IDE

Gen 7 IDE might be the current thing that contains support for sanguino and newest arduino IDE

Try this next


  1. Have Arduino IDE already available.
  2. In case Arduino IDE is already running, quit it.
  3. Download and unpack the IDE support package. Links see above.
  4. Open the folder containing Arduino in your file manager. [ The following is Not applicable to me] --> On Mac OS X this is done by right-clicking the icon and choosing "Show package content". Then navigate further down to Contents/Resources/java. --
  5. Find the folder Gen7 in the support package and move it into the hardware folder inside the Arduino package.

There are also install instructions inside the Gen7 Arduino IDE Support package.

Note: for Linux/Unix users, if you install using your package manager it may be difficult to find your arduino/hardware folder, and even after you find it you might not be able to copy into it. Just make a "hardware" folder in the "sketchbook" folder of your home directory and put the Gen7 support folder in there. The "sketchbook" folder appears when you run the IDE the first time.

Did not work, various error messages. Skipping SPRINTER, trying MARLIN


The next firmware option listed is Marlin

The Arduino IDE version 1.0.5 is what the softwaere center found, installed.

Set MOTHERBOARD using string from boards.h:

  1. define BOARD_SANGUINOLOLU_12 62 // Sanguinololu 1.2 and above


/usr/share/arduino/hardware/Sanguino/cores/arduino/HardwareSerial.cpp:161:15: error: attempt to use poisoned "SIG_USART1_RECV"
 #elif defined(SIG_USART1_RECV)