RepRapPro Huxley/es

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| Introducción | Materiales y herramientas necesarios | Montaje de la estructura | Montaje de Y | Montaje de X | Montaje de Z | Montaje de la base calefactada | Montaje del extrusor |

| Montaje del calentador | Cableado | Puesta en marcha | Imprimiendo | Mantenimiento | Resolución de problemas | Mejoras |


RepRapPro Huxley con la electrónica Melzi

Estas páginas son las instrucciones completas para el montaje, puesta en marcha y uso de la versión RepRapPro Ltd de la impresora RepRap Huxley.

Como toadas las RepRap, RepRapPro Huxley es completamente Open Source. Está licenciada bajo GPL. Todos los diseños de las piezas y el software están disponibles en el repositorio RepRapPro Ltd Github La electrónica específica para esta impresora es la Melzi, pero puede utilizarse cualquier electrónica como RAMPS o Sanguinololu.

Si quieres imprimir las piezas de plástico para una RepRapPro Huxley, ve a esta página de la wiki.

Notas generales

Give yourself plenty of space and ensure your work area is clean. Dust and dirt are a 3D printer's worst enemy. All printed parts have been printed on various RepRap machines from suppliers within the RepRap community. Despite the fact that these machines are highly tuned RepRap 3D printers, some holes and features may need a little fettling to get the best performance from the RepRapPro Huxley. This is especially true for the Igus bushings used for the Z axis. There is a video how-to on fettling 3D printed parts here on Vimeo. Don't fettle the 3mm holes on the huxley-x-carriage though (we changed the assembly screws without changing the drawing)!

Before you start the build, please ensure you have all the components as listed on the packing list included in the kit. If anything is missing, please contact us via email: Reprappro-em.png

We understand that people may want to change aspects of the machine's design, and in fact we encourage this as it is one of the benefits of open source development. Before changing anything, please be aware that the RepRapPro Huxley has been designed to maximise the build volume relative to the the machine's footprint, and as such many of its components fit closely to others. So consider your changes carefully before you try to implement them. And when you find improvements, please tell us so that we can include them in future kits, and so that existing owners can upgrade their own machines.

BEFORE YOU ATTEMPT TO ASSEMBLE ANY PART OF THE RepRapPro HUXLEY 3D PRINTER, PLEASE READ THESE BUILD INSTRUCTIONS FULLY AND ENSURE YOU UNDERSTAND THEM. Although all parts are covered by warranty, this will be invalidated by your not following these build instructions.

The RepRapPro Huxley is a robust RepRap machine once assembled; however it does require a certain amount of care during assembly. If in doubt, force is usually not the answer! There are many ways to get support and advice, see the Get Support section below.

Tabla de contenidos

  1. Materiales y herramientas necesarios
  2. Frame assembly
  3. Y axis assembly
  4. X axis assembly
  5. Z axis assembly
  6. Heated bed assembly
  7. Extruder drive assembly
  8. Hot end assembly
  9. Wiring
  10. Commissioning
  11. Printing
  12. Maintenance
  13. Troubleshooting
  14. Improvements

Donde obtener ayuda

If you find you need help or advice with assembling, commissioning or using your RepRapPro Huxley 3d printer, you can use the following channels:

  • Our Forum. This is shared with the eMaker Huxley forum, as the machines are so similar.
  • Email Reprappro-em.png

Documentos de versiones anteriores

If you have an older RepRapPro Huxley and want a past copy of this documentation see this link:

RepRapPro Archived Documentation

Siguiente paso

Frame assembly