From RepRap
Revision as of 17:44, 29 April 2011 by Michielh (talk | contribs) (Are there any special rules or laws when disposing parts or materials from a reprap project? For example throwing away waste feedstock? (Unanswered))
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This Q&A format FAQ is organised very loosely on the typical lifecycle of a reprap project, that is the questions are collected under headings which match the various phases a typical reprapper may go through in building and using a reprap machine. If a particular section becomes unwieldy then perhaps the older questions can be relegated to an overflow FAQ for that particular topic.


Where can I find an overview?
Where can I find help and support?
What is the history of the reprap?


Which reprap derivative should I build?
  • Repstrap - Suitable if you don't have the desire or money to buy a set of printed parts, and have access to tools and materials (or junk), plus the know-how of how to knock something together (or simply the desire to learn). Or when you simply want to tinker on something of your own design.
  • Mendel Prusa - Fewer parts, simpler design. This is the design most people are building now.
  • Mendel - This is the 'official' design, much more complicated than the Prusa.
  • Huxley -
  • Darwin - The original RepRap design. Not recommended to build at this time.
What is a repstrap?

A 3D printer cobbled together from whatever parts you can find which will eventually allow you to print the parts for a reprap machine. Derived from the term bootstrap, as in "to pull yourself up by your bootstraps"



Which electronics should I use?


Which firmware should I use?


It doesn't work! How can I find out what I should try?

Design and Model

What (open source) 3d modelling tool should I use? (Unanswered)



What can I use to produce gcode?



How do I tame Skeinforge?
Why does my extruder not work after ugrading/installing Skeinforge 40 (11.02.23)?




Where can I find ideas for improving reprap?

See: FutureToolIdeas

How do I know what is actively being developed? (Unanswered)


Where can I sell my reprap?


Are there any special rules or laws when disposing parts or materials from a reprap project? For example throwing away waste feedstock?

PLA: Toss this on your compost dump, or return it to a depot as plant waste.