Plastic Blaster

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For big prints with less detail, we developed a nozzle that can print up to 3mm walls, in one go.

"We" is a 3d printing company in the Netherlands, "huur een 3d" that rents 3d printers and also has a print-service.

To get an idea of the capabilities of this nozzle, let's look at some figures:

 nozzle diameter:        2.5mm
 layer:                  0.5mm
 print speed:            100mm/s
 flow rate: 2.5x0.5x100= 125mm3/s

compared to more standard settings:

 nozzle diameter:       0.6mm
 layer:                 0.2mm
 print speed:            75mm/s
 flow rate: 0.6*0.2*75 = 9mm3/s

so a ten-fold increase in flow rate is achievable, or: 10 times faster printing.

Below pictures are of the first prototype, that already works fine. The nozzle brass, 3d printed in wax and then casted (brass) Like with smaller nozzles, you can print a bit thicker or thinner than the nozzle diameter. In this case: from 2 to 3mm is no problem.

Nozzle plastic blaster.jpg Sample 2 5mm wall.JPG