
From RepRap
Revision as of 06:34, 19 April 2007 by AdrianBowyer (talk) (version migrated from twiki)
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Current Documentation and Software

Types of Plastic

There are a few good candidates for main working material.

Videos and Movies

Here is where you can see RepRap in action.


Commonly asked questions.

RepRap Control Software

The user interface to RepRap: how you sit at your PC and get it to build things.

RepRap modules

Details of the various modules in a RepRap and their command API.

Bootstrapping a RepRap machine

Making a RepRap machine when you don't have one to do it for you.

Make a JDM Programmer

A simple PIC programmer for bootstrapping a RepRap. In future the RepRap will includes its own PIC Programmer.

Developer Documentation

Presentations and Talks

Here are the slides (usually in Open Office format) for talks and presentations given by members of the RepRap team at conferences and meetings.

  • Based on the above, Vik Olliver's "Printing a penguin" presentation to LinuxConf Australia 2007 (LCA2007) in Sydney, January 2007 in [[PDF and OpenDocument formats. Also available as cross-platform video (OGG).|thumb]]
  • Paper on [[File:DocumentationMain-sells-bowyer.doc into polymer RP objects - Ed Sells & Adrian Bowyer: Directly incorporating electronics into conventional rapid prototypes, Proc. 7th National Conference on Rapid Design, Prototyping & Manufacturing, Centre for Rapid Design and Manufacture, High Wycombe, June 2006.|thumb]]

Archived Documentation

Earlier versions of various RepRap documentation preserved here for historical reasons.


Here you can find stuff from the really early days of RepRap. It's been moved here so the documentation page stays clear and concise.

-- Main.ForrestHiggs - 07 Sep 2006