Builders/Alternative host software
If you have written a RepRap-driving program for a Linux or Windows PC or a Mac (or any other computer) this is the place to document it.
Currently, there are various alternatives with varying functions. They can be broken down into the following categories:
- All in one/ Monolithical programs that both read design file and control the machine; (RepSnapper, ( windows only ))
- CAD file to G-Code parsers ( Enrique's skeinforge, (Skeinforge is a tool chain composed of Python scripts that converts your 3d model into G-Code instructions for Rapman.),Neil Gershenfeld's ) Slic3r
- RepRap G-Code Controllers ( ReplicatorG, Erik's dotG )
- Direct SNAP RepRap SNAPComms controllers ( ? )
Hints for using alternative host software:
Nophead's techniques for using Skeinforge
This page has been flagged as containing duplicate material that RepRap_CAM_Toolchains also attempts to cover.
These pages should be merged such that both pages do not attempt to cover the duplicate topics.
These pages should be merged such that both pages do not attempt to cover the duplicate topics.