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Graham Zimmerman - Senior - Mechanical Engineering - Penn State University


Blog 9

1. Discuss the suitability of libraries as hosts for RepRaps (or other 3D printers)

It is obvious. There is just something about getting a 3D model in your hand. It sparks innovation. Ideas just flow from your mind and you start thinking above and beyond what you already thought. It is interesting. And attracts many different kinds of people. 3d printers in libraries are a great idea. Engineers of all kinds, chemistry majors, and all types of students could use the RepRaps for their projects, to present to their professors, and to stimulate their minds on different subjects, ultimately leading to top-notch innovation. I think libraries would be great hosts for RepRaps, but I also think it could get messy. Most of the articles I read through mentioned that they were using 20,000 dollar 3d printers. Therefore, these printers are made NOT to fail all the time versus the RepRap 3d printers, which tend to break consistently. With many groups of people constantly attending the library on a college campus, I think these printers would break even more, so you might need people to fix them. And as I was reading through some of the articles, it seemed that there was even a waiting list for the 3d printers already in college libraries, which means that these printers would have non-stop usage. Overall, I think the addition of 3d printers would add so much to libraries. It would help young engineers especially get into their projects, subjects and different majors. Considering I had an internship over the summer where I had to get 3D prototypes of my design for different products, I think letting college students use 3D printers in libraries would create a bridge between college and the real-world.

2. We have a number of libraries on campus, as well as the one on allen street: How many are you familiar with? Do you think any of them would be suitable for this?

I am very familiar with the main library on the Penn State Campus and the Engineering Library in Hamilton Hall. Personally, I think the availability of the RepRaps should be in the Engineering Library. Considering I have been through most of the Engineering courses here at Penn State, I think it would be valuable to the Engineers to have a 3D model of their design as they design different solutions for each of these courses. Especially in the senior design project, it would be great to have these 3D printers open to Engineers students, so that they could show future employers and professors how their solutions would work. I think the availability of RepRaps in the general library here at Penn State could get messy, with random students printing out objects that take hours and hours, just for the fun of it. While I think that would be great, there are always the people who take things too far and ruin it for everyone. I think if they needed to print something for a certain class, or had to register what they want printed, it would be beneficial in the main library though. Overall, I think starting the RepRaps in the Engineering Library as a "test" would be great. By saying that I do not want to discriminate against other students in other majors, but I see these 3D printers as most beneficial to engineering students.

Blog 8

1. Go back to your previous posts regarding DRM and control of 3D printing. Do these articles support your argument then? Do you think this technology will find a use?

I am actually really torn. I completely understand where some of these articles are coming from. In relate to weapons, I still support my viewpoint from my past blog to not let anyone print guns and other weapons as they want. I would not want a country where someone could go home at night and print off a gun, and then shoot 10 people the next day. We already have too many shootings as it is. On the other hand, like the article states, 3d printing could be used for good. For example, helping a little girl get over her crippling disability or feeding the homeless would be great. However, I just really believe in things being fair, so I'm not sure I agree with people printing their own cars, or printing their own shoes. Companies would absolutely go bankrupt if that were to happen, and our economy would lose a ton if every American started to print whatever they wanted. What would be the point of anything if you could just print anything you desired? Overall, I agree with putting restrictions on copying things and printing whatever you want. I would love to print myself a new car or a new Ipad, but I just don't that is fair.

Blog 7

1. What do you think of bio-printing? What sort of legal problems or technical problems can you foresee?

I think making organs for people would be the start of something amazing in the medical world. In movies and real life I always hear about people waiting and waiting for a new organ to stay alive. This would be amazing for people who are on that waiting list. However, I think problems would occur if these organs would fail, or actually getting them to adapt to every patients body. For example, how would you get a printed heart to move and pump? I think there could be numerous technical problems in that aspect. As far as legal problems, I think that the selling of these organs and resale of these organs could get really messy.

2. Do you think this might be extended to RepRaps for DIY bio-research?

I do not think it will be extended to RepRap for research, because I don't believe it has the capabilities in the extruders to make these precise parts/organs.

Blog 6

Being able to create optical sensing devices on demand is something new, as typically we print passive components. What kind of implications can you imagine resulting from this?

I can only imagine what would come of this exciting technology! I think Engineers will be able to use these optical sensing devices to put into more toys and replace more expensive light fixtures that were used to light things like the heart inside of the toy in the video. Also, I think many lenses and sensors could take advantage of these optical sensing devices. Companies always like things that are CHEAPER. So if this technology can replace some of the old sensors and more complex lighting fixtures, I think the implications will be great! I wish they would make this open source so that we could mess around with the optically sensing devices!

What sort of difficulty would we have in implementing light piping using our printers?

I think it would be difficult to implement light piping in our printers because I do not think the material we print with will be adequate to replicate the things Disney is doing. Obviously they have very expensive 3d printers and top notch materials to mess around with because of all the money they have in their technology. I also think that we would run into problems when it comes to detailing out the inside of the prints for light piping. I think it would be hard to get that kind of detail into the middle of the 3d models with a more precise extruder.

In what applications might you find use for these sensors (contact switches, touch sensors, accelerometers, etc)? Do you have some project in mind where these would be useful?

The first thing that came to my mind when I was watching the sensor demonstration during the video was cheap video games for kids. Actually, I think if this sensor technology really grew, I think it could be useful in video game systems for many applications. Aside from video games, I think many companies could use this technology in many different products they are building. I think it would make their projects cost less, which is their number one concern, or their bosses concern! Lastly, I think these sensors could be used in many different remotes for different things.

Blog 5

1) Imagine that you were a dedicated member of the DIY gun project: What might you do now?

I was a dedicated member of the DIY gun project, I would probably be upset about this set-back, but would understand the situation. I would understand that while we are testing the waters with the 3D printing of guns, it is best for the future of our project. To do things the right way, and apply for a license to print these guns is the more sensible/honest thing to do, rather than keep fighting the law and trying to find loops around things. I think it would have been harder if they actually printed a gun too, because I feel like the ATF would have confiscated that too, with even harsh consequences.

2) Another article asks ”Should 3D printing, especially when it’s being used to create items like guns, be regulated? Can you regulate it?” Check your Blog #3 Questions 1 & 3 (and my comments to them) if you haven’t already. Do you have any more to say about this issue of 3D printer regulation (gov’t or corporate)?

I really do not think I have any more to say. I still agree with the fact that it is going to be really hard to regulate what is being printed in 3D. I mean, the only reason that the ATF could see what the DIY was printing was because they were blatantly posting their information on the internet. If the ATF could not see that they were about to print real guns, how would they ever know?? I really see a huge loop hole in the legal system too. I think 3D printing is incredible, but I really don't want people printing guns, and using them whenever they want because they are only "plastic guns". I think these guns are going to get really high-tec in the near future, so I think someone, particularly government, should step in and enforce rules on 3D printing.

3) Guns (and other weapons) seem to be prone to prohibitions. What other 3D printable constructs might attract similar attention/derision/prohibition?

With all the shootings and crazy things happening around the country, weapons are a huge concern. In addition, I think that electronic constructs will be an issue in the future as 3d printing gets more and more high-tec. For example, if people start printing out Ipods, Apple will have a fit! Basically any construct where a company is getting ripped off or lives are in danger will be constructs that will attract a lot of attention!

Blog 4

1) Although Makerbot was open-source and very successful at doing so, they are getting close to competing with billion dollar printer companies in the future. If they are innovating and investing in R&D, I really don't see the problem with them seeking to protect their intellectual property from being 100% copied. I mean, maybe Makerbot Industries is keeping the product closed source until they can secure the large investment of creating the Replicator 2.

2) I feel like when Prusa put his things on Thingiverse, he thought that the open source 3D printing from Makerbot was great. However, now that Makerbot is closed source and trying to make money, I think he is truly upset, especially after Makerbot said that everything that everyone posted on Thingiverse is now their property. I feel like he expected to get a little more out of Thingiverse due to his early contributions. So, that is why I think he is going to Github. To get away from this profit-seeking company and Thingiverse and try to continue his love for open source printing.

3) I actually do think we should start looking for another Thingiverse, maybe even Github. I think it is a bit ridiculous to claim ownership of all the designs on there that people came up with. For example, I was reading through the comments on the website where this story was shared and I came across this: Apparently designed this game himself, and plans on selling this game in the near future. However, with Makerbot taking ownership on Thingiverse, they can now print his game and make a profit off of this guys design. I think that is wrong, even though I'm unsure why this guy would post his design on Thingiverse if he is going to try and sell his game. Overall, I think we need to find another Thingiverse, because Makerbot claiming ownership of everything on it is a bit much.

Blog 3

It seems that 3D printing isn’t going to disappear, but the exact nature in which it will develop is not well defined. On that note, we currently place restrictions (DRM) onto our media to control distribution, with limited ‘success’. Do you think this might be applied to 3D printing? How or why not?

I'm not sure that it is plausible to control what people print. With the restrictions on media and music, I feel like it is slightly easier to control because everything is shared over the internet and other similar methods. However, with 3D printing, I feel like people could print out replications of many different products. With this being said and technology increasing in 3D printing day by day, I think there will be restrictions put on the distribution of products, especially if someone is completely stealing a companies ideas or replicating their products and selling them. I think there should be a restriction on what people can print, similar to copyright infringement. However, I think it will be hard to enforce because it would be hard to track what people are printing. If they are selling thousands of 3D printed Ipods or similar material, I think they will be caught. But, for the most part, I think the restrictions on 3D printing will be hard to enforce.

According to Bowyer, many people have a great idea (or perhaps a passion) that they love to tell people about. What is yours? Do you see this as a way to attract future mates? (or to get money?) Why/why not?

I have a great passion for the design portion of my engineering career that lies ahead. I am not sure where my life will lead me, or where I will be using my ideas, but I know that with whatever projects or products I'm assigned to design, I will enjoy doing it. Actually, it is funny that you ask if this is a way to "attract" future mates because over this last summer, I was incredibly excited to show all of my friends, and my girlfriend my design, after the company said it was "ok" to show my prototype to people outside the company. I'm not sure if I will be using my designing passion to attract mates in the future, but I know that it attracts people when you are passionate about something, and excited about your passion. That is why I chose engineering. I do, in fact, find this passion to be a way to get money. With my broad passion for design, I think that I will use this to excel with companies throughout my life.

Professor Bowyer seems to think that 3D printing will finally kill intellectual property, and he sounds pleased about it. Do you think he’s right about ending IP? Is this a good thing, a bad thing, or somewhere in-between?

I think it would be a bad thing to get end IP. While Professor Bowyer thinks that 3D printing will end intellectual property, I personally think that IP will never go away. While I think it would be nice to get away from intellectual property in some ways, I think it would destroy the idea of someone having a fantastic idea and not getting anything for it. I think people will always expect to gain something from their amazing idea, or awesome contribution to a better product. I think ending IP would take a lot of the drive away from making products and things better. However, I do not think IP will ever go away.

Blog 2

Do you think his goal of a ‘self-replicating universal constructor’ is feasible? What remains to be done to achieve this, or alternatively what would prevent such a goal?

I do not think that the 'self-replicating universal constructor' is feasible. I really don't think the electronics like the motor could be reproduced. To achieve this, I think the RepRap needs to start looking into building with different materials like metals, which from my experience in my internship over the summer, is very feasible. However, these machines and materials cost thousands and thousands of dollars. I think RepRap could start looking into other materials though!

The phrase “wealth without money” is both the title of his article and the motto of the reprap project itself. What does this phrase mean? (To him and to you if they differ). Discuss implications, problems, and possibilities associated with this idea.

The phrase means that without spending a lot of money, the reprap project can provide the necessary "wealth" to print out components and parts that break in the projects. The whole idea is that this reprap project can generate lots of products and things that can be used directly for future projects that would originally cost a good amount of money. It is wealth without spending the money!

The Darwin design was released in 2007. It is 2012 now. Imagine future scenarios for RepRaps and their ‘cousin’ 3D printing designs (Makerbots, Ultimachine, Makergear, etc.) how do you think the RepRap project (community, designs, website, anything and everything) might evolve in the future? Describe as many scenarios as you can envision.

I think that the RepRap project will evolve by completely making all the parts for other 3D printers. Also, I think that 3D printing will be used in many situations in the business world to make real parts that can be shown to customers and tested in production. Lastly, I think the Printiverse will evolve immensely and become a more professional website used by more and more people. Also, I think 3D prints will become so amazing that some of them will be directly used for selling and for use in the world.

Blog 1

1. Useful
     Although this is pretty funny, this could be very useful in the backyard if you have a dog, instead of buying a poop-scooper!

2. Artistic/Beautiful
     This is very detailed and artistic.  The extrusions make the chair very beautiful.

3. Pointless/Useless
     These sunglasses are absolutely pointless.  They neither shade your eyes, and block your vision.  Pointless/Useless Print.

4. Funny
     These Wolverine Claws are funny to play around with.  It seems they would improve a Wolverine Halloween costume.  

5. Weird
     This is a pretty weird thing to print for! IClops!