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Blog 3

It seems that 3D printing isn’t going to disappear, but the exact nature in which it will develop is not well defined. On that note, we currently place restrictions (DRM) onto our media to control distribution, with limited ‘success’. Do you think this might be applied to 3D printing? How or why not?

      I'm not sure that it is plausible to control what people print.  With the 

restrictions on media and music, I feel like it is slightly easier to control because everything is shared over the internet and other similar methods. However, with 3D printing, I feel like people could print out replications of many different products. With this being said and technology increasing in 3D printing day by day, I think there will be restrictions put on the distribution of products, especially if someone is completely stealing a companies ideas or replicating their products and selling them. I think there should be a restriction on what people can print, similar to copyright infringement. However, I think it will be hard to enforce because it would be hard to track what people are printing. If they are selling thousands of 3D printed Ipods or similar material, I think they will be caught. But, for the most part, I think the restrictions on 3D printing will be hard to enforce.

According to Bowyer, many people have a great idea (or perhaps a passion) that they love to tell people about. What is yours? Do you see this as a way to attract future mates? (or to get money?) Why/why not?

Professor Bowyer seems to think that 3D printing will finally kill intellectual property, and he sounds pleased about it. Do you think he’s right about ending IP? Is this a good thing, a bad thing, or somewhere in-between?

Blog 2

Do you think his goal of a ‘self-replicating universal constructor’ is feasible? What remains to be done to achieve this, or alternatively what would prevent such a goal?

     I do not think that the 'self-replicating universal constructor' is feasible.   

I really don't think the electronics like the motor could be reproduced. To achieve this, I think the RepRap needs to start looking into building with different materials like metals, which from my experience in my internship over the summer, is very feasible. However, these machines and materials cost thousands and thousands of dollars. I think RepRap could start looking into other materials though!

The phrase “wealth without money” is both the title of his article and the motto of the reprap project itself. What does this phrase mean? (To him and to you if they differ). Discuss implications, problems, and possibilities associated with this idea.

    The phrase means that without spending a lot of money, the reprap project can provide

the necessary "wealth" to print out components and parts that break in the projects. The whole idea is that this reprap project can generate lots of products and things that can be used directly for future projects that would originally cost a good amount of money. It is wealth without spending the money!

The Darwin design was released in 2007. It is 2012 now. Imagine future scenarios for RepRaps and their ‘cousin’ 3D printing designs (Makerbots, Ultimachine, Makergear, etc.) how do you think the RepRap project (community, designs, website, anything and everything) might evolve in the future? Describe as many scenarios as you can envision.

     I think that the RepRap project will evolve by completely making all the parts for

other 3D printers. Also, I think that 3D printing will be used in many situations in the business world to make real parts that can be shown to customers and tested in production. Lastly, I think the Printiverse will evolve immensely and become a more professional website used by more and more people. Also, I think 3D prints will become so amazing that some of them will be directly used for selling and for use in the world.

Blog 1

1. Useful
     Although this is pretty funny, this could be very useful in the backyard if you have a dog, instead of buying a poop-scooper!

2. Artistic/Beautiful
     This is very detailed and artistic.  The extrusions make the chair very beautiful.

3. Pointless/Useless
     These sunglasses are absolutely pointless.  They neither shade your eyes, and block your vision.  Pointless/Useless Print.

4. Funny
     These Wolverine Claws are funny to play around with.  It seems they would improve a Wolverine Halloween costume.  

5. Weird
     This is a pretty weird thing to print for! IClops!