RUG/Pennsylvania/State College/RepRap Media Timeline

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Revision as of 12:27, 14 December 2012 by Jms6579 (talk | contribs) (2012)
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This page is a summary of 3D printing stories in press/tv/etc with a focus on RepRap in particular, but with some inclusion of other similar technologies.

Another good media timeline can be found here:[[1]]

Changes to this current timeline will be made by focusing on media that directly relates to RepRaps or interesting extensions which are commercialized items, such as the chocolate 3D printer, and futuristic technologies.

The media items indicated in "italics" signify the extensions made in the 3D printing industry, while the items in regular font will be related to RepRaps.

Viewers will notice that the "2012" section has far more items than the other years. This is due to the fact that a majority of advancements took place during this year and concrete ideas began blooming as well.


1984; Charles "Chuck" Hull develops a technology to print 3D objects using digital data and terms it "Stereolithography" [2]

March 11, 1986; Chuck Hull founded 3D Systems and invents the first 3D printer [3]

1987; Selective laser sintering is developed at the University of Texas-Austin and commercialized by DTM [4]

1988; S. Scott Crump invents Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), which is the basis for 3D printing extrusion [5]


1993; MIT patents "Three Dimensional Printing Techniques" which is comparable to a regular 2D printer's methodology. [6]

1995; Z Corporation acquires a technology license from MIT and begins building 3D printers [7]

1996; The term "3D Printer" is first used to address rapid prototyping machines [8]

1996; First major release of 3D printers from Z Corp, Stratasys, and 3D Systems [9]


February; Adrian Bowyer publishes the idea for a self replicating 3D printer, and concept of the RepRap is born! More on the RepRap About Page [About]


March 9th; Spectrum Z-510 is the first high definition 3D color printer to be manufactured [10]

March 23rd; The RepRap blog started [[11]]

June 2nd; Reprap project discussed in "The Machine that can copy anything" by Simon Hooper on [[12]]

October 6th; Arduino is released [13]


February; 'Neil Gershenfeld on Fab Labs' a TED talk about a (much higher cost) mobile fabrication laboratory, and enabling consumers to produce products for a "market of one". [14]



February 9; The Darwin printer is able to print more than half of its own parts, thus self-replication is successful [15]

June 4; The Telegraph releases a science article about self-replicating robots leading into the RepRap. Parts of the article discuss the possible implications and advantages of a low cost 3D printer that can replicate its own parts and evolve. [[16]]

November; Thingiverse is launched, the first website where people can uplaoad their own 3D models for people to print out, open sourcing at its finest, what will you upload? [17]


October 2; A second generation design, known as "Mendel", prints its first part [[18]]


April 30; 'The disruptive future of printing' an article by Bill Thompson of the BBC about RepRap and its future. [19]

November 10; 'It Will Be Awesome if They Don't Screw it Up: 3D Printing...' a whitepaper by Michael Weinberg of Public Knowledge discussing the legal implications of widespread 3D printing. [20]

December 20th; 3d printing: The state of the art. (Ciara Byrne in VentureBeat) [21] Summary: An article discussing the importance of the present technology, why usage of 3D printing has risen and what the future use of the technology could be including some inherent problem we'll have to deal with. The importance of this article lies in the clarity with which it presents some very basic ideas. The readability also allows for a wide variety of readers to appreciate the upcoming innovations.

December 31st; 11 3d printing predictions for the year 2011. (Joris Peels on TechCrunch) [22] Summary: Some extremely specific predictions and a few less specific ones having to do with well known names such as Makerbot, Adobe, Microsoft, Stratasys, Objet and a quite a few more. All predictions indicate a rather significant increase in popularity for 3D printing.


January 12; 'The Wow Factor of 3-D Printing,' an article in the New York Times about consumer 3-D printers. It mentions Reprap, MakerBot, and Bits From Bytes. [23]

January 19th; 3d printing now in Titanium! (Charlie Sorrel on [24] Summary: The article discusses the advancements in 3D printing, specifically Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) to print with titanium.

March 23; Handheld Vacuum Cleaner 3D Printed (Matthew Humphries on [25]" Summary: This article on the surface is about the ability to print out your own Vacuum. The real message behind it are the possibilities of open source programming as well as Rep Rap printers. Matthew offers his opinion on the exciting development as he puts it.

April; Copyright questions as 3d printing comes of age. [26]

June 8th; Bre Pettis, founder of Makerbot Industries, makes a guest appearance on the Colbert Report discussing the relevance of 3D printing in modern society [[27]]

July 11th; Geekteach: 3D Printing In the Classroom (By Buzz Garwood on [28] Summary: This is an uplifting article from a 3D printer enthusiast. He is a teacher and has been exposing his students to the 3D printing concept and technology. He talks about some of the way he utilizes it in the class room as well as the a description of where 3D technology is today. He even tells a story of a fellow teacher who presents his students with design problems and uses a printer to fabricate their solutions.

August 16th; Eric Savitz, a reporter for Forbes(R) recognizes the significance and potential that 3D printing offers to the world, as the cost goes down and the technology develops. [29]

August 23rd; Makerbot announces that they are accepting $10 million in startup money[[30]]

Fall 2011; Open Hybrid Mendel Design is tested at Penn State University Park Campus.

September 9; An excellent YouTube video highlighting the amazing capabilities of 3D printers (by Fun Theory)' [[31]]

September 16; BBC News article on a new application of 3D printing 'Artificial Blood Vessels Created on a 3D Printer' [[32]]

September 20; Article on the Make blog about a working AR-15 magazine on thingiverse. [33]

September 20; 3d printer for kids in the works! [34]

October 3rd; Albensi Labs use 3D printing for dental restoration making the turnaround time drop from 7 days to 2 days. [35]

November 14th; Joe McKendrick of discusses how the Fayetteville Free Library of Fayetteville, NY announced its plans to incorperate a “hackerspace” into its public library this will allow a librayr to expand on what it means to be a library[36], this issue is also being explored on the collegiate level at the University of Nevada, Reno[37][38]

Unknown; "Academic paper released investigating the effects of structure and orientation on the strength of 3D printed materials. [39]

Unknown Artist uses solar powered 3D printer to make glass objects Summary: The machine focuses the sun into a dot that is so hot it sinters the sand layer by layer into objects like bowls.


January 25; Physibles @ The Pirate Bay [40]

February 6; Transplant jaw made by 3D printer claimed as first [41] (for BBC)
Summary: A lower jaw, created from 3D printed titanium powder heated and fused together with a laser. This jaw was fitted to an 83-year-old woman’s face, and is said to be the first patient-specific implant in the replacement of the entire lower jaw. -kwc5097

March 6; The CADspan Plugin for Google SketchUp allows generation of solid, 3D printable STL files [42] (Cantos for CADspan)
Summary: Describes the CADspan Plugin for SketchUp which eases the process of creating a model for 3D printing. Popular tools in SketchUp are listed and their functions are explained. -kwc5097

March 10; 3D printing from an Android device [43] (Benchoff for Hack a Day)
Summary: This article discusses an Android app, Makerdroid, which was designed to get South African students excited about technology and desktop fabrication labs. This app allows the user to create .STL files on an Android device and generate Gcode with Skeinforge in order to print 3D objects directly from their Android devices. -kwc5097

April 9; The Delicious Future: 3D Chocolate Printer Finally Available for Purchase (Doug Aamoth, Time Tech) [44]--djb5469 Summary: Although the technology to 3D print chocolate has existed for years, there has never been a commercial model until now. The machine costs about $4600, and can be used for more filament types than just chocolate.

April 15; Integrated 3D-printed reactionware for chemical synthesis and analysis (Symes, Kitson, Yan, and others for Nature Chemistry) [45]

Summary: 3D printing has the potential to transform science and technology by investigating its ability to print chemical reagents directly into a 3D reactionware matrix, greatly reducing the production and implementation cost of such systems by putting them under digital control. Further research needs to be done to make these processes cheap and accessible to modest laboratories, but there is potential.

April 30; Behrokh Khoshnevis, Professor of Industrial & Systems Engineering and is the Director of Manufacturing Engineering Graduate Program at the University of Southern California (USC) brings the idea of 3D printing to automate the construction of buildings, maybe one day you can 3D print your own house [46]

May 6; STEMulate Learning integrates 3D printing into classroom [47]

May 21; Working Lathe Made with 3D Printing (Walters for[48]

Summary: A 3D printing enthusiast set out to prove that useful items can be created by RepRaps by designing and printing all necessary parts required to construct a small, compact, working lathe. The device utilizes a drill motor and can be utilized to create items for everyday use. Check out the video on the article's website!

June 15; Guitar manufacturing is revolutionized by 3D printing (Doesburg for theguardian) [49]

Summary: Olaf Diegel, a professor of mechatronics at Massey University in Auckland, New Zealand, has revolutionized the process of guitar manufacturing by developing a virtually indestructible nylon-bodied guitar that would make members of The Who cringe. Diegel can expect big things for 3D printing technology in the near future, predicting that entire buildings will be capable of printing within 5 or 6 years.

July 2; Possibilities of printing dinosaur fossils [50]

July 4; Researchers create artificial liver from 3D printed sugar lattice (arkar for[51]

Summary: Researchers from UPenn and MIT have developed the capability of combining sugar and 3D printing technology to amass an artificial liver. The printer extruded a sugar armature structure in which tissue and blood vessels were organized to promote proper blood circulation, then liver cells were introduced after the sugar lattice was dissolved using water. While these synthetic organs are not nearly large enough for human implantation, the study exhibitsa very inventive and potentially life-saving use for 3D printing technology.

July 6; New Innovations in printing Aluminum [52]

July 7; Burritobot: Mexican Cuisine and 3D Printing (Technabob for [53]

Summary: In the spirit of expanding the possibilities of 3D printing, Manro Manriquez has developed a design for the Burritob0t, which is a robotic printer/extruder that will output burritos. The idea was developed after "realizing the overlap between 3D printing (additive assembly and interchangeable ingredients) with burrito construction." The project plans to launch a Kickstarter program to fund its efforts, but the Big Picture is clear: the Burritob0t is just one of many efforts attempting to realize the possibilities of robotic food construction.

July 11; Building Planes with Giant 3D Printers (Olson for Forbes) [54]

Summary: Bastian Schaefer, a cabin engineer with Airbus, has been toying with the possibilities of 3D printing an entire airplane. As the largest 3D printers to date are the size of a modest dining room table, the plan is part of an almost 40 year endeavor in which smaller airplane parts would be printed now while entire planes should be extruded by 2050. Efforts are inspired by the possibility of manufacturing lighter simulated aircraft by cheaper means.

July 12; The next generation RepRap prints PLA at tremendously high speeds [55]

July 16; 3D printed keys used to hack high security handcuffs (Greenburg for Forbes) [56]

Summary: Think your personal belongings are secure? A German hacker known as "Ray" demonstrated to an audience at the Hackers of Planet Earth conference in New York that even high-security handcuffs are no match for the powers of 3D printers and a carefully designed, makeshift, plastic key. This development reveals the susceptibility of secure systems to the looming power of 3D printers and a little human ingenuity.

July 17; 3D Printers In The Library; Toward a FabLab in the Academic Library (Kurt and Colegrove for ACRL TechConnect Blog) [57]

Summary: The DeLaMare Science & Engineering Library at the University of Nevada, Reno has added two 3D printers, a 3D scanner, and supporting software available for general use to the school community. Thanks to professor Tod Colegrove, the University is one of the first to experiment with an open-lab 3D printing environment, investigating just how the school environment will benefit from the ability to rapidly prototype designs applicable to a range of majors and scientific disciplines.

July 18; 3D printing services being offered at universities for the first time [58]

July 22; Printing out your own prescription meds [59]

Summary: Dr. Lee Cronin from the University of Glasgow has applied 3D printing to chemistry. By printing custom reaction vessels with polypropylene, he creates strong, yet chemically inert reactors other unit operations to create what could be called a small chemical plant. By using the correct reactants and 3D printed architecture, one could make their own drugs. Because all organic molecules are made almost entirely of carbon, oxygen, any hydrogen, it is throught that a few basic reactants and 3D printed equipment could provide all that is needed to have access to a wide variety of drugs.

July 25; 3D printing market set to hit $3 billion by 2018 [60]

July 26; World's first 3D Printed Gun [61]

July 30; Printing Unammed Aerial Vehicles [62]

August 6; 3D Printed Exoskeleton aids in Arm Usage [63]

August 6; New machine prints stone using sand and binding agent [64] Summary: A new machine called Stone Spray uses an robotic arm like sprayer to build small structures from dirt and sand. A binder is added to the material to make it solidify. The noval thing about this arm design is that it can print from any angle, not just from the floor up. It can even print horizontally from a vertical wall. Future developments could result in a machine that can build retaining walls and bridges from materials found in the local environment. Data on the stones durability or the cost of the binder is unknown.

August 8; Focus Feature's stop motion movie ParaNorman uses 3D printed facial parts to "push facial performance to new levels" [65]

August 17; US company wants to make 3D bio-ink printed meat for human consumption (Merco Press) [66]
Summary: A US start-up company has a solution for people who want to eat meat, but don't want to harm animals either: 3D printed meat.

August 29; NASA funds Tethers Unlimited Inc. to work on its SpiderFab orbital 3D printer [67]

September 19; Software to Detect Stress in Objects Before Print [68]

September 21; 3D Print Wood with Laywood Filament [69] (Walters for
Summary: 3D printers don't just print plastic, they can apparently print a wood-like material called 'Laywood' which feels, smells, and looks like real wood. This material consists of 40% recycled wood, and a polymer binder. This material won't warp, it doesn't experience shrinkage, and it doesn't require a heated bed for production. -kwc5097

September 27;3D Printer Form 1 Gets 6X Its $100K Funding Goal On Kickstarter… In One Day [70]

October 1; 3-D Printer Company Seizes Machine From Desktop Gunsmith [71]

Summary: Cody Wilson, a second-year law student at the University of Texas at Austin, had his 3D printer seized upon revealing the news that he was planning on printing a pistol capable of firing a single shot. Wilson leads Wiki Weapon, a project that plans to make open-source blue prints for constructing 3D ptinted guns. Stratasys lent a Stratasys uPrint SE to Wiki Weapon; upon discovery of his plan to print a pistol without a gun manufacturers license, they cancelled the lease and seized the printer. Wilson argues that it is legal in the U.S. to manufacture a gun at home without a license if it is concealable on a person, although such a weapon is subject to review.

October 3; Army researchers use cutting edge 3D printers [72]

October 5; Seeing Is Believing, Disney Crafts 3D Printed Optics [73] (Hearn for Engadget)
Summary: A group of engineers from Disney are using 'printed optics' to create interactive objects using 3D printing. This technology uses the 3D model to guide the light from LEDs to potentially replace the use of LCD and LED screens in displaying information on smaller interactive devices. -kwc5097

October 10; CNBC Reports on Various Entities utilizing Bio-3D printing [74]

October 10; 3D Printing (Additive Manufacturing) Is Turning the Impossible Into the Possible [75] (Burrus for The Blog)
Summary: This article describes the process of 3D printing and its applications as of recently. In the future, it can be used to deliver products to customers as soon as they are manufactured; like shoes, dresses, parts for jet engines, or even human bones. -kwc5097

October 18; New Patent Could Saddle 3D Printers With DRM (Marks for New Scientist)[76]

Summary: US patent 8286236, granted to Intellectual Ventures of Bellvue, Washington, grants 3D printers the ability to read digital authenticity codes judging whether or not that printer has legal authority to print a digital part file. This sweeping patent leads to more controversy surrounding digital rights management (DRM).

October 18; Spice Up Your 3-D Prints With Custom Plastics [77]

October 18; Guitar Printer Makes Functioning Instrument [78]

October 19; The Future of Higher Education: Reshaping Universities Through 3D Printing [79]

October 19; Formlabs FORM 1 high-resolution 3D printer [80]

October 19; 3D Printing comes to the Disney Universe: Your face Frozen in Carbonite (David J Hill, Singularity Hub) [81]--djb5469 Summary: Disney has began to use 3D printing technology to personalize objects. Girls can have small statues of Disney Princesses printed out featuring their own faces for about $100. Star Wars fans can have small models of themselves frozen in carbonite. This interesting use of 3D printing will not only bring in profits for Disney, but also serve to greatly promote 3D printing technology.

October 22; 3D Bio-Printing Proposed to Send Vaccines and Medicine Via Email (Debora MacKenzie for New Scientist) [82]
Summary: A man who sequenced the human genome using his own DNA, then made "synthetic life" by outfitting a gutted bacterium with homemade genes, says his next trick will be emailing biological molecules, using 3D biological printers. The move could revolutionise healthcare - and biological warfare.

October 23; UVA Undergraduates Print 3D Plane [83]

October 25; EFF Fights To Protect 3D Printers From Illegitimate Patents [84]

October 25;With ‘Safe Haven,’ Desktop Weaponeers Resume Work on 3D-Printed Guns [85] (Beckhusen for WIRED)
Summary: A group's efforts to create a 3D printed pistol looks promising. Efforts were halted when the group's printer was taken away and now they are currently applying for a gun license. Companies have been contributing to the development by volunteering manufacturing space and providing support in the group's vision. -kwc5097

October 30; 3D printing- a new industrial revolution [86]

November 2; Wired CEO Chris Anderson leaves Wired to start 3D Robotics company [87]--dwj131

November 4; Turning your thoughts into actual 3D objects [88]

November 9; 3D-Printed Rockets Help Propel NASA's Space Shuttle Launch (Philippa Warr for Wired) [89]
Summary: Parts for the rocket engines of NASA’s Space Launch System will be created using a method of 3D-printing known as selective laser melting.

November 9; Researchers at Purdue develop a program to automatically tweak designs for 3D printed parts to improve strength (Matus for[90]

Summary: Researchers at Purdue University have developed computer software that recognizes structural flaws in 3D models and adds supporting material before the objects are printed, greatly increasing the structural integrity of these 3D printed materials.

November 11; Next Generation 3D Printing: Highter Resolution, Tastier, and Super Cute [91]--djb5469

November 12; Portable 3D Printer for the Military [92]

November 12; 3D-Printing Photo Booth Makes You Into an Action Figure[93] [94](Warr for WIRED)
Summary: A photo booth in Japan will scan your body and create a figurine of you. It can be a maximum of 8 inches tall and doesn't have the precision yet to pick up on shiny jewelry, earrings, mesh items, or glasses. Customers must pose for about 15 minutes for the machine to collect their body data. -kwc5097

November 12; Scientists reveal new insights on nano 3D printing[95]

November 12; Voxeljet 3D printer used to produce Skyfall's Aston Martin stunt double (Hearn for engadget)[96]

Summary: Do you love James Bond? The filmmakers of the latest Bond movie, Skyfall, tasked 3D printing company Voxeljet with sculpting 1:3 scale stunt doubles of James' latest whip, the Aston Martin DB5. Luckily, no real vehicles were harmed in the making of the film, but these 18-piece scale models were. Check out the photos within the article!

November 14; Minecraft Creations Become Real! [97]

November 19; 3D Printer Powered by Heart Cells (Walton on WebProNews)[98]

Summary: Researchers at The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign have developed a mobile 3D printed robot powered by rat heart cells. They hope that one day, these robots can be used to detect and/or neutralize specific chemical and toxins found in our environment.

November 21; 3D Systems sues Formlabs and Kickstater for patent infringement and promotion respectively (Dillet for TechCrunch)[99]

Summary: Thanks to the stereolithography printing technique, Formlabs and Kickstarer have joined forces to create the Form 1, a low-cost 3D printer capable of professional grade printing built into a hobbyist size and budget. Unfortunately, 3D systems has held a patent on stereolithography techniques since 1997 and is demanding reparations by legal means.

November 22; Scientists develop 3D tissue printer that prints cartilage[100] (Star Staff for The Star)--dwj131
Summary: A 3D tissue printer was developed by scientists at Wake Forest University, which uses a traditional inkjet printer combined with an electrospinning machine. This was a proof of concept study which was successfully tested on mice with cartilage cells from a rabbit's ear. -kwc5097

November 23; EDSGN 497D is Mentioned in an Article in Onward State[101] (Sami for Onward State)
Summary: Penn State’s EDSGN 497D course was featured on Onward State’s website. The article describes the open source RepRap technology, as well as the course structure in order to inform the surrounding community. -kwc5097

November 24; GE Is So Stoked About 3D Printing, They're Using It To Make Parts For Jet Engines[102]

November 26; 3D printers to print out electronics in the near future (Mathur for[103]

Summary: Researchers at the University of Warwick have developed a simple and inexpensive conductive plastic composite with 3D printing applications. This material can allow the printing of electronic tracks and sensors directly into 3D printed objects, opening doors for 3D printers to print electronics sometime in the near future.

November 26; Fancy 3D printer spits out 'replacement parts' for humans (Lourens for[104]

Summary: As scientists at the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine have created cartilage using 3D printers capable for human transplants (see article here: [105]), Lourens discusses his views on why 3D printing technology will 'disrupt the world in 2013.'

November 26; 3D Printing Satellites (Kaurfman for TechNewsDaily)[106]

Summary: Scientists have developed a space-ready, 3D printed CubeSat in seeking a low-cost way to launch their experiments into space. All but the satellite's sensors and computer chips were 3D printed in the laboratory. Development of these satellites can be revolutionized by 3D printing, as the process can be almost fully automated. Want to learn more about CubeSats? Check out the article!

November 27; Customized Toy Records [107]

November 27; Get a 3-d print of your unborn child [108]

November 28; Virginia Tech: Interactive 3-D printing station [109] --Nop5031 16:45, 28 November 2012 (UTC)

November 29; Staples to offer 'Easy 3D' printing service (Sharif Sakr in engadget) [110] Summary: The service, first starting in Belgium and the Netherlands, will eventually expand to all Staples stores. You'll be able to upload your file and then have it printed as fragments of paper arranged in 0.1mm layers up to a maximum height of six inches.

November 29; 3D printers could use Moon or Mars rocks as raw materials (BBC) [111] Summary: The article discusses the possibilities of using Moon rocks to create tools or spare parts. Prof Amit Bandyopadhyay is quoted backing the possibility and he is supported by David Woods (author of How Apollo Flew). Prof Colin Pillinger offers quotes claiming that it is a nice theory however not all that practical or worth it.

December 3; 3-D Printed Gun Only Lasts 6 Shots (Robert Beckhusen in Wired) [112] and (Andy Greenberg in Forbes) [113] Summary: Only one part, the lower receiver, was printed out in the gun. This is a very important part since it is heavily regulated and carries the serial number of the weapon. It was expected to break, but in something closer to 20 rather than only 6 shots.

December 3; Merger Creates World's Largest 3-D Print Company (Daniel Ferry, The Motley Fool.) [114]--djb5469 Summary: Two of the three biggest 3D printing companies, Stratasys and Objet, have merged to create the world's biggest 3D printing company. The new $3 billion company will face difficulties in integrating the separate companies, but the potential benefits of combining resources far outweigh the risks. The company will still be named Stratasys, and Stratasys shareholders control 55% while Objet controls 45%.

December 3; Arcam AB is an undervalued 3D printer manufacturer (David Allen, Seeking Alpha) [115]--djb5469 Summary: While Arcam AB may not have as many sales as 3D Systems or Stratasys, it does have a much high return on equity while maintaining a strong profit margin. Arcam AB focuses on working with expensive metals like Titanium and Cobalt Chromium, where the reduced waste of additive manufacturing leads to significant profits. The Swedish company is begin to gain momentum in the United States but selling printers to Oak Ridge National Labatories.

December 4; A discussion of the entrepreneurial spirit of DIY RepRap users (The Engineer). [116]

December 6; Why 3D Printing Matters for "Made in the USA." (Jeremy Hsu, TechNewsDaily and LiveScience.) [117]--djb5469 Summary: The manufacturing capabilities of the United States have been declining for decades, but 3D printing might be able to reverse that trend. A government grant of $30 million created The National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Institute, which focuses on promoted the development of 3D printing. While this technology would not be suited to produce 10 million units of trash cans, it would be perfect for making 50 to 100 military aircraft.

December 6; 3D Printer Could Transform Moon Dirt Into Lunar Base (Megan Gannon, [118]--Nop5031 22:01, 6 December 2012 (UTC) Summary: Researchers have developed a method of using simulated moon dust to create 3D printed objects. While the technology is still in rudimentary stages, this proof of concept experiment shows that lunar astronauts could replace broken tools or even create new structures using just the available materials. Considering the cost of transportation to the moon, this technology could create extensive cost savings and improve the feasibility of a long term moon base. Eventually, this technology could even by expanded to be used on Mars.

December 6; Discussion of 3D printers being developed to print medical (and recreational) drugs (Beta Beat). [119]--Nop5031 22:03, 6 December 2012 (UTC)

December 6; A 3D-printing popup store (3DEA) opens in NYC for the holidays. Attractions include a body scanner and ornament design competition [120]

December 7; Manufacturing the future: 10 trends to come in 3D printing. (Eric Savitz, Forbes Magazine.) [121]--djb5469 Summary: This article predicts 10 uses of 3D printers for that will start becoming widespread next year. Some examples include 3D printing shops at the mall that will allow manufacturers to only ship designs and 3D printed medical implants that will help save lives. The bottom of this article also features slideshow gallery of ten cool things that can be printed, such as glasses frames and engagement rings.

December 7; Harvard’s Semitic Museum Is Using 3D Printers To Restore An Ancient Statue [122]--Wjf5042

December 8; Are personal 3D printers the next personal computers?(Rob Enderle on Digital [123]--djb5469 Rob discusses the basics of 3-D printing, what some of the hopes and end goals of the industry are as well as arguing that 3-D printing is ready for a revolution. He also gives some guesses as to who will capitalize on these possibilities.

December 10 Wireless 3D printer "vending machine" can be controlled from iDevices or Android phones [124]

December 10 The Plant of the Future: 3D Printing [125]--snb5148 This article talks about how 3D printing could have a real place in manufacturing by the end of the decade.

December 10; Staples Plans to Enter 3-D Printing Scene, Shapeways Keeps Calm [126]--snb5148 The office supply chain Staples plans to bring 3D printing to some of its overseas stores in the first quarter of 2013.

December 11; The Undetectable Firearms Act and 3D printed guns. [127]--snb5148 This article asks a great question; Is renewing the act really just a stealth attempt to regulate 3D printing?

December 11; Homemade 3D-printed gifts (Travis Andrews in DVice)[128] Summary: A list of 15 gifts you can print out yourself including a large range of things as simple as chess sets and cookie cutters to more complicated ones such as an RC planes and working pencil sharpeners. A good look into the future of gift giving.

December 11; Musings on the potential for 3D printers to be the next big thing in home electronics (Digital Trends). [129]--Nop5031 20:06, 11 December 2012 (UTC)

December 11; The Army is Deploying 3D Printers to Afghanistan [130]--snb5148 The army is setting up mobile labs in Afghanistan that will include CNC machines and 3D printers.

December 11; A few weeks with a 3D printer[131]--Nop5031 20:15, 11 December 2012 (UTC)

December 11; Brand NEW Gyro Cube [132]--Nop5031 22:37, 11 December 2012 (UTC)

December 12; 3D Printer Makes Medical Models (Video):[133]--snb5148 This article contains a cool video showing a 3D printer printing a model of a human heart. This helps to show that 3D printing can extend far beyond the engineering student or the hobbyist at home, 3D printers could have so many more applications than once thought

December 12; What is True Colour 3D Printing? [134]--snb5148 A look at the technology to blend filament colors.

December 13; 3D printing goes prime time as staples to offer 'easy 3D' service (David J. Hill, SingularityHub) [135]--djb5469 Summary: Staples is beginning to offer a 3D printing service to it's customers. The store will use Mcor's IRIS 3D printer to create a 3D model of a Cad file by extruding paper as a filament. The service will first be available in The Netherlands and Belgium, but will soon come to the U.S. This move is one more attempt to keep paper relevant and profitable in the digital age.

December 15; A cheap way to print electronic devices (The economist) [136]--djb5469 Summary: By combining soot and polyester, Dr. Simon Leigh has developed a filament that can conduct electricity. The special thing about this filament is that it's resistance changes under pressure. Some uses for this technology would be to measure the rehabilitation of stroke patients and remotely move a robotic arm by using a glove.