Megatronics 1.0

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Revision as of 14:49, 14 August 2012 by Brupje (talk | contribs) (Major features)
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Crystal Clear action run.png

Release status: Experimental

Single board solution, Remix of Arduino mega and RAMPS
CAD Models
External Link


After using RAMPS for a long time I am still quite fond of it. There are some aspects of the board however that make it unusable for future electronics, which should be reliable and cheap. Also the wiring can we a bit fiddly. I have combined the Arduino MEGA and RAMPS boards into a single board solution. Only the stepper drivers are still modules for easy replacement.

Megatronics is based on many famous open-source products including: Arduino Mega 2560, RAMPS, SD Ramps. Therefor this product is an already proven design. It combines all major features of these board into a single board solution for more reliable 3D-printing.

Megatronics has a powerful Atmega2560 processor with 256 kB memory, running at 16Mhz. The board can be connected to a PC using a normal USB cable. It will register as FTDI FT232R device. The board is compatible with the Arduino Mega 2560 and will therefor be easily programmed from the Arduino IDE.

Major features

Mt atmega2560.jpg
Atmega 2560 processor
Powerful Atmega2560 processor with 256 kB memory, running at 16Mhz

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Thermo couple
On board support for connecting a thermo couple

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SD Card
Autonomous printing from Micro SD card on board

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The board has 4 MOSFETs (4x 150A) to support many needs.

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Up to 5 stepper drivers
Compatible with RAMPS, 5 slots for stepper drivers. Modularized to make replacement easy for damaged drivers.

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Support for many peripherals
The board's functions can be easily extended with LCD, keypad etc. See the connectors section for more information

Other features

  • Auto reset can be disabled by removing a jumper
  • The board can be powered from 12V1 (12V MAX), by setting a jumper
  • The LCD contrast can be adjusted with a trimpot
  • 12V1 has a diode to protect against reverse polarization
  • The 5V line is protected by a 500mA resettable fuse
  • A piezo is included to allow the printer to give feedback with sound
  • Each stepper driver slot has a breakout to connect external stepper drivers to the board.
  • Three layer high quality PCB board


Name Description
JP_5VUSB When jumpered powers the board from USB (5V)
RESET-EN When jumpered enables reset (DTR). Without it the board cannot be programmed using the IDE. It's recommended to remove the jumper for production machines.
X3 Breakout for FT232 pins
ICSP 2x3 header to program the Atmega chip directly
JP3V3 3.3V connector
PS-ON Power on output. This can be connected to the power supply to enable 12V from the board.
AUX3 Break out for digital pins 46,47,48,49
AUX4 Break out for digital pins 43,44
I2C Break out to connect extra peripherals using I2C
Thermocouple Terminal block to connect a thermocouple
Keypad 2x5 header to connect to a keypad
End Stops 6x3 header to connect end stops
LCD 2x6 header to connect a LCD screen. Compatible with most LCD screens
  1. GND
  2. 5V
  3. LCD Contrast
  4. RS
  5. GND
  6. Enable
  7. D4
  8. D5
  9. D6
  10. D7
  11. 5V
  12. GND
Temperature 1x6 header to connect up to three thermistors
A-OUT Analog output (compatible with RAMPS)
SERIAL Serial output (compatible with RAMPS)
DigitalIO Break out for digital pins 2,3,4,5,6,11,35,39
JP_5V 2x3 header for 5V output
JP_12V 2x3 header for 12V output (+12V1 line)
Extruder Connector for extruder (MOSFET Q5)
  1. Therm2
  2. D4
  3. GND
  4. 12V
  5. Fan1 (Q5)
  6. 5V
12V1 +12V1 line input (11A Max) when SRC12v is NOT jumpered up to 24V is accepted
12V2 +12V2 line input for heated BED (11A Max)
X-MOT,Y-MOT,Z-MOT,E0-MOT,E1-MOT Connectors for bipolar stepper drivers
JP2-6 Stepper mode selector for stepper drivers
SRC12v Power the board from 12V1. WARNING: MAX 12V is accepted

Where to get it


Source files

Coming soon