Vlad Tepes

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Crystal Clear action run.png

Release status: Experimental

Rigidity Obsessed assembly
CAD Models
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About Vlad Tepes

Vlad Tepes is the historic figure sitting behind what is known as "Count Dracula". The public image about him couldnt be more wrong than that. This short introduction is, ironically, meant to do a little justice to a man who himself knew no compromise about justice.

On short, he lived during very dark times. As time habits were, he was raised at ottoman's court as an "lever" of his father behavior on the throne, e.g. if his father would misbehave then he would of been executed. He came to throne in a context where there was no law, but corruption and criminality were ruling instead. Most of sources blame him for cruelty and executing his enemies, things which arent quite accurate either. He intended to eradicate criminality, so he executed the criminals, at start mostly by sword, like he saw in childhood, but it seemed to be a never-ending job. The choice to impale the criminals instead was meant to leave them there for public awareness, and probably came from the suggestion of one of his aids. The method proved extremely effective and in short time after, criminality was in fact eradicated. He took measures to strengthen the economy and help the working peoples. Among these, he imposed restrictions for traders coming with products from other places (like customs taxes do nowadays). For this he became hated and the outside traders actively plotted to kill him for years. If there is anything that can be said about his rule, is that he made no compromise, in justice or anything else. And who lived long enough knows that making no compromise is not a little thing. Sadly, its what sealed its fate in the end. As a ruler he was loved by the ordinary working peoples which gathered to form army to his aid more than once. His grave is not known - if would be then i suppose i would of researched genetics instead, for a way to clone the guy.

Legend says, one old man made a fountain aside a road for travelers to have fresh water. The recipient used for drinking was supposedly made of gold. One day the man goes to the fountain and the recipient is missing. He then said "Vlad is no longer on his throne".

Little Vlad Tepes knew that a few centuries later, the world would remember him as a guy obsessed with sucking blood out of sexy virgins ... (yummmm to that btw).

This is just one of the many general misconceptions i can see from where i am standing. This also should remind us that general judgments should not be passed about a person, unless we know hard facts, or we actually have been in that person's place for long enough to understand where he comes from. This is obviously not related to reprap, but it is a good example of what kind of misconceptions we can fall prey to. And at which degree it can get to.

If this was *that* far away fetched from reality, then simply who knows what else we have got wrong.

Initial point of view and considerations

- This started as for Vert-X contest, but in the end i feel this is pretty much for myself and not primarily for the contest itself. So, in advance apologies if this doesnt make it in time to meet the deadline.

- Vertical axis setup is considered, with the intent of bringing something extra, in terms of features, versatility etc. In this context having a dual axis for a second toolhead is a direction to explore. Mostly because its so easy to do, e.g. rods will be in a square config, 2 at each side of the Z drive. Having a separate axis could let us have a second toolhead without increasing the weight of the first. There are alot of considrents to it, e.g. there is no current electronics and firmware which could eventually deal with a secondary independent axis. How the second axis could be justified is a question mark, but i am sure it can be put at some use in the end.

- For a number of reasons, i am obsessed with rigidity and the 8mm rods are not inspiring me confidence for the job, so 12mm is the choice, smooth rods + linear bearings. With bigger components and second axis, i think a bigger frame would be in order, at least makes more sense in the context. It probably should use 12mm for frame bars and vertices aswell, but for now will pass on that as it feels kinda much.

- Plastic economy and in general any kind of economic reasons are outside the scope of this.

Initial frame tweaks

1) Rigidity obsession pack: frame "patching" with rod clamps, from place to place, in different positions. For 8mm frame.

2) Accommodation for 12 mm Z smooth rod.

Angle Bars dia. Origins Comments File1 File2
90 deg 8 + 8 Mendel original mendel part from repository 50px identical
60 deg 8 + 8 none clamp M8 at 60 deg  ? identical
45 deg 8 + 8 none clamp M8 at 45 deg  ? identical
30 deg 8 + 8 none clamp M8 at 60 deg  ? identical
90 deg 8 + 12 Massive Mendel y smooth rods clamping to frame 50px 50px
Zrod+motor 12mm Zrod Theodleif z mount for 12mm rod; tweak: zrod fi12 and thicker clamp 50px none
Zrod+motor 12mm Zrod Prusa repository z mount for 12mm rod; tweak: zrod fi12 and M3 holes 20mm apart 50px none
Zrod+motor 12mm Zrod Mendel repository old z rod clamp style; tweak: to fit the above mount 50px none

Design data

Posting some of the design data maybe it will prove of some help. For the nominals i printed sets of geometry pieces in small increments and selected the best fits against real parts i had on hand.

Nominal sizes:

M size Type and print direction Relevant data Description & Notes
M22 cylinder horizontal half r=11.3 half horizontal cylinder for LME12UU cage
M12 cylinder vertical r=6.3 half of diameter, on z block (zb12~pieces)
M12 cylinder horizontal r=6.0 less (-2.5mm) than half of diameter, on clamp piece
M8 hexagon vertical r=8 for nut trap (Prusa similar size = 8.2-8.5)
M6 hexagon vertical r=6 for nut trap
M5 cylinder vertical r=3.0 M5 thread impaling
M5 cylinder horizontal teardrop r1=2.75 r2=2 horizontal teardrop for M5 (lower circle r1, upper circle r2); r1=2.70 makes tight fit
M5 hexagon vertical r=5.0-5.2 for nut trap
M4 cylinder vertical r=2.3 M4 thread impaling
M4 cylinder horizontal teardrop r1=2.2 r2=1-1.5 horizontal teardrop for M4 (lower circle r1, upper circle r2)
M4 hexagon vertical r=4.3-4.4 for nut trap


- horizontal cylinders teardrop: main cylinder(r1) + teardrop peak point at half of r1 outside circle, peak flattened by circle arc tangent to both teardrop sides; result is the "classical" teardrop with the peak flattened by the smaller circle(r2) and teardrop sides are tangent to both circles.

- hexagon vertical for nut trap to be made with upper side (bridge area) raised with 0.5-1mm, or to the upper tangent point on circle hexagon; r value is for the outer circle, coincides with hexagon side length.

Small distances for printing - table for quick check and reference purposes:

Layer height perim 1.8w/t loop 1.5w/t perim+1loop perim+2loops perim+3loops perim+4loops 2perim+1loop 2perim+2loops 2perim+3loops 2perim+4loops
0.40 0.72 0.60 1.32 1.92 2.52 3.12 2.04 2.64 3.24 3.84
0.30 0.54 0.45 0.99 1.44 1.89 2.34 1.53 1.98 2.43 2.88
0.28 0.50 0.42 0.92 1.34 1.76 2.18 1.43 1.85 2.27 2.69
0.25 0.45 0.38 0.83 1.20 1.58 1.95 1.28 1.65 2.03 2.40


- preferred print settings, for rigidity purpose, notably include the following (SF): Fill: extra layers 3 (each), solid surface layers 5 or 6.

- 2 perimeters e.g. for cases of a vertical hole close to the outside perimeter

- bold values have been considered in some parts

Z axis block assembly

Fixes the rectangle placement configuration of smooth rods. I thought of a chain is as strong as the weakest link. In our case the weakest link is made out of plastic and feels like its this piece in particular (e.g. between x assembly and frame). Also this piece is the cornerstone of a x axis redesign. Impacts on all other parts, motor, belts, carriage, extruder, etc.

Key points:

- meant to fit 4 bars to form 2 independent vertical axis

- could also allow fitting only 2 bars to get a horizontal (classical) axis; even at different heights;

- preferably making it in a single block, (if feels reasonable enough); if not, 2 parts to clamp z drive from either side;

- 4 rods and 2 carriages its alot of extra weight; so this piece needs alot of extra strength compared to old one;

- threaded rod impaled: these get right through the entire part from one side to the other, with nuts on each side;

- distance from the Z rod and Z motor centers - unless fits exactly might be adjustable (for the best);

Version Short note Short comment Description File1_STL File2_VRML2.0 **
0.0 100x70x70mm 70mm horizontal This part is very guilty. Got impaled lots of times M4. Too big - abandoned. Media:Zb70x70.stl Media:Zb70x70.wrl
0.1 100x50x50mm 50mm horizontal Same as guilty. M4 spikes. Distance between Zrod and Zmotor axes 30mm & fixed. Will have to find a way to allow some adjustments in between. Still big but printable in pla - added frog feet in corners and minor polishing. Media:Z.stl Media:Z.wrl
0.1 41x37.5mm LME12UU trap LME12UU trap to fit the above Media:Z.stl Media:Z.wrl
0.1 27x50mm M12 rod trap M12 rod trap to fit the above. Could of been smaller. Media:Z.stl Media:Z.wrl
0.2 110x50x36mm 36mm height Had a better advocate - skipped some impaling. But spikes grew to M5. With reverse placement might make some adjustment possible for the Z motor captured nut assembly. Media:Z.stl Media:Z.wrl
50px 50px

** VRML - *.wrl : Avoid if unfamiliar. I find it buggy. For Cosmo browser plugin change from defaults in Graphics -> Automatic render change to Direct3D renderer