Host software Variations

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Revision as of 16:24, 5 February 2009 by ErikDeBruijn (talk | contribs)
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There are various pieces of software for the Desktop that are helpful for printing. You have the traditional Java-based host software ([see on main wiki]). There is also Skeinforge by Enrique. This is software that translates a 3D shape into movement instructions for your RepRap in a very sophisticated way.


skein - noun - a length of yarn or thread wound on a reel or swift preparatory for use in manufacturing. Unabridged (v 1.1). Retrieved February 05, 2009, from website:

Skeinforge translates your 3D model to printing instructions (G-Code). G-Code contains the X,Y and Z movements and whether to extrude along certain paths, etc. A G-Code interpreter on an Arduino or Sainguino or some CNC machines can use this code to do the actual printing. At first it may seem daunting because of the many features that are offered, yet the resulting print quality more than makes up for it.

There is a lot more information on the [main RepRap wiki]

Skeinforge deals with properties of the FFF process (RepRap's 3D printing process) to increase precision. It has various useful options, such as:

* reducing stringing
* towering (building multiple layers on top of each other before completing the rest of the layer
* create a raft first (against warping / curving of your object)
* etc.


It can be downloaded via subversion, since it is maintained in this tree. This is a useful mechanism, since it's easy to keep skeinforge up-to-date (simply 'svn up' in the top directory of the repository).

Find it here: [reprap/trunk/reprap/miscellaneous/python-beanshell-scripts]

You can also find documentation in the documentation dir. Give it a look, or use the '?' from the GUI to get help about a topic.