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Revision as of 22:42, 27 October 2010 by Sebastien Bailard (talk | contribs)
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Very Messy Example and Columbus 
--Sebastien Bailard 07:23, 10 September 2010 (UTC)
Crystal Clear action run.png
Example Development

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documenting a generic tool/artpiece
CAD Models
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This is 600 pixels wide, and on the left.
This is 600 pixels wide, and on the left.

Your-File-Name SOLID MODEL ASSEMBLY These are CAD files for the Solid Model Assembly .xml.zip, .stl.zip --Example User 12:00, Today's Date 20xx (UTC)
Your-File-Name CAD FILES FOR PARTS These are CAD files for each part. .xml.zip, .stl.zip --Example User 12:00, Today's Date 20xx (UTC)
Your-File-Name EVEN MORE FILES These are are even more files. .xml.zip, .stl.zip --Example User 12:00, Today's Date 20xx (UTC)|-
Your-File-Name SOLID MODEL ASSEMBLY This is the final finished machine N/A --Example User 12:00, Tomorrow's Date, 20xx (UTC)
Please edit this and click the links to put in your own files! --Sebastien Bailard 08:34, 10 September 2010 (UTC) 

More Examples

Been reading for about a week or two and it's been eye-opening. As the title hints, originally I got into this with the idea of building a 3d printer (RepRapWiki) - but then decided I'd like to be able to route/mill with the same machine as it seems like it's a simple tool swap which would allow me to maximize the return on my investment into ballscrews/supported rails/frame. Also, making little plastic models is great, but actually being able to operate at a 1:1 scale and perhaps make things that could actually be used in buildings would be a whole nother level of cool.

I've gone through a few different design iterations now, and am at the point where I'm not too embarrassed to ask for advice. First, the goals of this build:

1. Provide a way for me (an architecture master's student) to learn, and take with me, the *equipment* that is becoming essential to our practice-my school has a 6 axis Kuka robot, 4 laser cutters and a bunch of CNC mills/water-jets/etc, but for most of us, after graduation we work in offices/design practices without the budgets for these sorts of gear.

2. 3D printer: makes having a higher Z-axis useful

3. CNC router: MDF, plywood, aluminum, maybe zinc sheeting(no idea about how tough this is, just thinking of architectural materials) drilling holes in steel?

4. Modularity: swapping out plastic extruder for spindel for laser - have not tackled this but imaging some sort of steel sleeve with grooves and maybe a bottom shelf with a hole and a top that can be clamped on.

5. Build platform: constrained by equipment already purchased (see below)

The high z-axis made me want a fixed gantry, but then the long X makes this impractical... I've been scoping out other designs and found some pretty elegant solutions: FandZ's 80/20 and nearly completely bolt together CNC build and even more so: Search - My Photo Gallery

Which has gotten me this far:

edit: large red cube in 2nd render is abstraction of spindel/plastic extruder/etc... in the renders its 80x80mm. The rails in the drawing are all the proper dimension, as are the aluminium extrusions.

This is just the modeling for the ABILITY to move: frame with rails but no ballscrews/motors yet... I plan on redoing the parts riding on the Y and Z axis so that it's made out of thick steel sheets CNC milled with holes/taps in the right places, thinking that with some T-style bracing this will allow me to be strong and thinner, which should in turn preserve more build area in the Y and Z directions than the aluminium in the renders. Also not shown is a small tweak to the Z so that the bearings are mounted equal distances above and below the XY plane...

The idea of this design is to try to minimize any moments by keeping them in the plane of the previous plane... up until the actual drill bit which will of course have a moment arm around the whole assembly.

Also, the alu in the render is based on Misumi's HFS6(30mm) stock: the x rails are 60x60mm and the other stuff is 30x60mm. This is convenient as the distance between the supported rails mounting screws is 30mm, which should allow me to bolt the rails right into the aluminum.

I'm using rhino to model/think through this all, but I thought it would help to have some stuff in front of me to help me think, so there are certain components I've already purchased, and which are kind of constraining me in a bad way maybe:

A) linearmotion2008 kit from ebay: 3 ballscrews (1150, 750, 350mm) 6 supported rails (1100, 700, 300mm) and 12 blocks for the rails, mounts/couples for the ballscrews. B) x3 Keling KL23H286-20-8B: NEMA23, 425oz-in C) gen6 reprap mobo(what I'll be using instead of a gecko, but not really important for my questions on this site), included 3 opto's D) x5 6' 1x1" perforated steel tube and a x100 bolts/nuts/washers: originally was trying to build something based on this: Eiffel - RepRapWiki - but realized it wasn't going to work for milling, hoping that I can use this to make a table/workbench for my router.

Specifically, I'm worried about the 3 ballscrews... seems the easiest way to go would be to mount 2 ballscrews to each X rail like FandZ has done but I really don't want to buy more stuff from China and pay another chunk for shipping...

just in the process of writing this, I had the idea of mounting the z axis not to the y axis, but making the bed raise up and down. This would make it so that when routing woods/metals (thinner materials) the plunger is not fully extended and exerting a larger moment... but thinking through it now I can see problems with the material causing clearance issues with the moving x/y if the bed keeps raising... hrm.

My specific questions relate to: 1. The placement of the ballscrews either... the impacts off placing them off-axis (not in the center of the rails, both horizontally and vertically) and how that may contribute/cause binding... seems HighSeas has done this in his version but I can't tell how he's driving the X. 2. How to calculate the forces involved to verify that my build, or in some cases design thicknesses, are strong enough: I think that starting with the Z assembly and the moment of the drill bit to the rails its supported on is the start but I'm not sure of how to calculate the maximum cutting force caused by the drill bit moving through a material. I guess it's related to the pitch/torque my motors can put out, and the hardness of the material I'm routing, but not sure exactly... 3. Other ideas/problems in my design I'm not aware of!