Adesina - A Wooden Mendel RepStrap

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Crystal Clear action run.png
Adesina - A Wooden Mendel RepStrap

Release status: unknown

Adesina - A Wooden Mendel RepStrap current state.jpg
Adesina - A Wooden Mendel RepStrap
CAD Models
External Link


Adesina is a Nigerian name which means "first of many children" or "she opens the way". She is a RepStrap Wooden Mendel, built like the Mendel orginal design. I chose to post my worklog at this norwegian forum. Pictures are in spoiler tags throughout the thread.

Ideas and feedback in the reprap forum thread is very much appreciated!

Really big example images with lots of descriptive text are a fun part of documentation.


I will make a more thorough build log with notes here when Adesina can print. For now, please refer to the pictures in the running worklog.

Bought parts

I bought a sweet Wade's Extruder to avoid building the difficult extruder part.

Molding Gears

Inspired by [1] here are the first test with molding my own gears with polymorph thermoplastic. The initial results was really great, very simple to make and mechanically functional. A new mold design is in progress, which will hopefully make more precise gears.

Mold setup
Mold setup
Mold in use
Large gear
Small gear


We have made a simplified bed and x-axis. The rest is as close as possible to the original Mendel parts.


Here are some of the latest changes to the construction. Please note that this is still on the pretty experimental stage, so use at your own risk. The photos below are from version 1, and so does not correspond exactly to the svg file.

X-Axis version simplified - printable This is the original svg file.

X-Axis version 3 simplified - PNG version
X-Axis version 1 simplified - top view
X-Axis version 1 simplified - bottom view



Recommended tools

There are some tools I feel was invaluable to build Adesina.

Drill press
You need to be able to make straight holes. I have a cheap 70$ which works fine.
High quality drill bits
Cash out for a good set, you will not regret it. Mine was about 100$ on sale. (150$ retail).
Band saw
A friend of mine used his band saw on some of the more difficult, precise cuts. Thanks!
Jigsaw (if you don't have a band saw)
After I put on a new blade, the jigsaw became my most used saw. Good for thick sheet.
Miter saw
Good for heavy, precise cuts.
Measure twice, cut once.
They have a excellent and cheap one at as well as some spare batteries.


Closing in on 1000$. (Not including tools I had from before).

Here is a Google spreadsheet with all expenses. The currency is NKR (Norwegian kroner). Norwegian language only, "delenummer" means part number.


Other wooden mendels, especially the one by triffid.hunter

External links

Worklog at Norwegian forum (Norwegian)

Press coverage on (Norwegian)