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Please go to Category:RepStrap for the full list. Thank you.

A repstrap is a 3D printer cobbled together from whatever parts you can find, which will eventually allow you to print the parts for a reprap machine, or to simply use as a stand alone machine. Derived from the term bootstrap, as in "to pull yourself up by your bootstraps"

A RepStrap is a open-hardware rapid prototyping machine which is made by fabrication processes which aren't under the RepRap umbrella yet. These are becoming less and less common as RepRap printed parts become more available, but are still an option. You can build a 3D printer RepStrap using a tablesaw, or using a lasercutter, and use this to make fun, beautiful, useful things.

Like RepRap parts, of course!

If there is a page on the RepRap wiki that describes a RepStrap but is not listed on this page, please edit that page and put the {{tag|RepStrap}} or the [[category:RepStrap]] tag on it. Then the wiki will automatically display a link to that page at the bottom of this page.

Which RepStrap is Right for Me?

This page is a list of all RepStraps. Feel free to browse the versions listed here, or see the page What Tooling Do You Have to see what you can make with what you have.

hey: adding or working on something like "repstrap i2 longstrap" using broom handles for 5$ each as smooth rods and using 4$ of 2 feet of 1.5 inch increments of tubing.. there are road reflectors at ace for perfect size ABS parts printed thingiverse for several feet of triangle support to work with

sorry not certain where to add this.. here is a vertical shaft of 3$ plastic box, 3$ can of spray foam, 5$ hollow steel broom handle, sword to put hole into the box after foaming or before

some of that 4$ worth of plastic tube cut 1.5 inches to act as bearing/bushing

saves so much cost, makes so large prints using the precision timing belts with steel threads from ebay for 5$ per meter.. working to find the 10mm 5.5-7$ per meter