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Holiday Prusa Contest

12-18-2010: I got started late printing parts for the holiday Prusa contest, but it was such a cool idea I couldn't help it. I printed the first ten parts without any idea who would be the recipient. There were two guys at work that were interested, but neither one thought they would have time to get the thing built by the contest deadline of Jan 15 2011, so I took the parts to the December Seattle Robotics Society meeting and found an excited recipient. Look here later for updates as I finish printing parts and he gets started on the build.


I am new to 3D printing, having just recently purchased a MakerBot. My first attempts at printing larger parts were not very pretty. I had so many failed prints of the Prusa frame vertex parts that I decided to try gluing them together to make functional parts. I used ABS glue from the hardware plumbing department and glued and clamped till I had quite a few functional pieces. I even inverted the parts and printed some intentional half prints to match the failed prints from before. A little drilling and sanding and they are quite functional if not beautiful. So what do you call a Prusa Mendel built from pieces of failed dead prints? Why FrankenPrusa of course. The holiday Prusa contest inspired me to find recipients for all this stuff and so in addition to the holiday parts that I am giving to an acquaintance at the SRS (see above), I am also giving frankenparts to a coworker to build in his spare time. I'll try to keep this updated as the projects get underway.