Talk:Heated Bed

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Revision as of 14:01, 15 December 2013 by Cprobertson1 (talk | contribs)
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Note on electrical safety: any "live" metal should be grounded: period. It is possible to kill somebody by inducing fibrillation if even a small current occurs across the heart (70mA is enough to cause this: though 700mA is more likely).

While a current this high isn't likely due to the voltage and resistances used in heated beds - electrical mishaps can and do happen. All it takes is for a voltage regulator to fail and the controller board and a larger-than-intended current can be introduced to the system: and while PSUs should produce a steady voltage as required, it is again possible that electrical failure can cause live mains current to enter the system (while unlikely, this is more probable with hand-modified bench power supplies retrofitted from computer power supply units - and as laptop transformers are quite popular, I've noticed and indeed even owned a variety of wan hung low chinese knock-off brands that simply don't have the required protection if something fails)