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Ah excellent, I've been waiting for this! I've been working from the gcode and mcode pages in the old wiki which have a few holes.

The line number and checksum stuff is new to me- I'll implement that into my firmware in the coming days. So are some of these M-codes for that matter.

Can we add some sort of reference for what the host expects in response from the firmware? So far, I'm sending back OK when the command is queued or executed and T: nnn every second when the heater is on, which as far as I can tell is all that's needed.

ps: why are G20/G21/G90/G91/G92 specified to block? ("The following commands are not buffered. When one is received it is stored, but it is not acknowledged to the host until the buffer is exhausted and then the command has been executed.") they simply alter the conversion factors for the next command received in my firmware, and so can respond OK immediately.

Only G4 (dwell) and M101 (start extruder when up to temperature, apparently superceded by the new M109) block in my firmware at the moment, and I'm seriously considering making even these queue-able so they block the queue instead of the command download stream.

-- Triffid Hunter

I agree. It's great for this to be documented.

I had one suggestion on the checksum -- it should perhaps use a stronger CRC checksum, and should also encorporate the length as well? Is the N and * part of an external standard, or a RepRap special sauce?

If they are RepRap specific, I'd suggest changing the N code to include line length as something like "N101.50" for line 101, consisting of 50 characters.

I use the following CRC algorithm, which I believe I stole from the CCITT standard:

static inline uint16_t GetCRC( uint16_t crc, char ser_data )
  crc  = (unsigned char)(crc >> 8) | (crc << 8);
  crc ^= ser_data;
  crc ^= (unsigned char)(crc & 0xff) >> 4;
  crc ^= (crc << 8) << 4;
  crc ^= ((crc & 0xff) << 4) << 1;
  return crc;

The logic to compute checksum would then become:

uint16_t cs = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < cmd.length(); i++)
  cs = GetCRC( cs, cmd.charAt(i) );

computedCrc = cs;

So, the full logic for accepting or testing a line, encoded with full N and CRC checksum would be something like:

// was line number and checksum provided?
bool value = true;
if( lineNumber != 0 )
  valid = lineNumber == expectedLineNumber
    && cmd.length() == providedLength
    && computedCrc == providedCrc;

// accept or reject the line based on valid flag

This does add a few bytes of overhead (3-4 for length, 2-3 for 16 bit crc), but may be worth it allows you to run a higher baud rate with reasonably low error rates -- the odds of a false positive are near enough to zero to make any statistician happy.

-- BeagleFury

Just wanted to chime in - Thanks Adrian! This answers many questions for me! -- Wade