
From RepRap
Revision as of 15:18, 8 February 2015 by AndrewBCN (talk | contribs)
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This is exactly the same project as the OctoGoatBox except we are not going to run OctoPrint as our 3D printer web frontend, instead we are going to use a newer server software called RepRapWeb by Andrew Hodel.

Andrew provides a ready-to-install SD card image for the Raspberry Pi, however the same reservations I had about running OctoPrint on the RPi apply here (basically, lack of processing power when using the older single-core 700MHz armv6 RPi's; the newer quad-core armv7 RPi 2 is a much more capable machine and should be able to run either RepRapWeb or OctoPrint just fine, but I have not tried it yet).