P3Steel Steel Frame Parts Painting

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Painting the P3Steel steel frame parts is practically unavoidable, whether you have a stainless steel or carbon steel frame. This step precedes the actual assembly of the frame and takes longer than putting together the basic P3Steel frame.

Painting proceeds in four steps:

1. File away all barbs leftover from the laser-cutting process.

2. Sand all the parts with 150 grit sandpaper.

3. Wash all the parts with warm water and detergent, rubbing with a sponge to remove all oil and metal dust residues. Dry with a rag and leave to finish drying for at least two hours.

4. Apply one or two coats of paint with a 24 hour interval between coats.

Filing away all the barbs

A barb on a P3Steel laser-cut steel part

The laser-cutting process leaves an average of two small barbs per part. Use a metal file to remove these.