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因此Melzi是一片完整的RepRap控制板,它應該是很便宜並且適合大量生產的控制板。 它是以Arduino Leonardo為基礎來進行開發,並且以Leonardo da Vinci的學生 - Francesco Melzi來命名。



控制板名稱 ATMEGA微控制器 步進馬達驅動器 生產者 年份
RepRap Melzi 2.0 1284P A4982 RepRapPro 2012-至今
"Melzi 2.0 1284P" (eBay hybrid) 1284P A4988 Various eBay vendors 2012-至今
Melzi Ardentissimo 1.0 644P A4988 RepRapPro 2011

Melzi Version 1.0 (Ardentissimo)


第一版Melzi使用ATMEGA 644P微處理器, and 4 x A4988 步進馬達驅動器。 However, problems with the routing of the fine tracks on the PCB quickly became apparent, which made them hard to make reliably. Often thermistor readings are inaccurate, or fail.

注意! 有些便宜的網路賣家仍然在販售這個Melzi版本! 詳見本頁最下面的'如何購買'。

Melzi 1.0/2.0 eBay Hybrid

Melzi V03.jpg

Most listings online for "Melzi 2.0 1284P" or "Melzi V03" (as above) actually use the 1.0 board schematic, including "Melzi Ardentissimo" lettering and A4988 steppers like the 1.0, but use an ATMEGA 1284P microcontroller like the 2.0. Firmware for the 2.0 will work on these hybrids.

Melzi Version 2.0



  1. 微處理器: ATMEGA1284P (相容Sanguino)
  2. 全快拆接頭,不需要焊接
  3. 讀取GCode檔案的Micro SD card插槽
  4. Mini USB 介面
  5. 4 x A4982 步進馬達驅動器
  6. 3 x MOSFET 驅動器控制熱床、擠出頭、冷卻風扇
  7. 尺寸: 210mm x 50mm x 17mm
  8. 重量: 70g




第一版的Melzi是由Joe Mosfet所開發。

第二版的Melzi是從Joe Mosfet基於RepRapPro Ltd的原創開發。 可以在這裡找到:


通常絕大部分的控制板都已經安裝好bootloader與韌體,以及設定好步進馬達驅動器的電流大小。 如果沒有,請繼續往下閱讀吧...



更換Melzi的Atmel ATMEGA1284P晶片,這需要以下的RepRapPro技術:

  1. 移除舊的Atmel ATMEGA1284P晶片 - 我們發現使用熱風槍來進行焊接是非常的容易的;注意不要對周遭的晶體過度加熱。您也可以使用錫爐來進行解銲,但是必須注意不要輕推到旁邊的元件。
  2. 銲接新晶片 - 確定擺放的腳位是正確的! 在電路板上使用助銲劑,然後銲接晶片。 您可以透過使用細尖鉻鐵,熱風槍,焊錫或烤箱做到這一點。
  3. 使用放大鏡或是顯微鏡,檢查各接腳是否有短路。


  1. The chip comes blank; you will need to flash/burn a bootloader onto the chip. When it's blank, it can't even talk via USB, only via the ISP pins on the board.
  2. To burn the bootloader, you will need an AVR programmer, like This is the official one, and quite expensive, but cheaper ones are available on ebay. Check that you get one that is compatible with ATMEGA1284P chip; the USBtinyISP does NOT work with these chips.
  3. 下載最新版本的Arduino IDE軟體
  4. 確定您已經從 下載最新的'Sanguino'資料夾,並已經將它放置到您的Arduino/hardware資料夾(它有可能已經被放置資料夾下的'arduino'或'tools'資料夾)
  5. 透過USB連接AVR燒錄器到電腦。 燒錄器透過SPI接腳連接到Melzi。 連接USB到Melzi - 它需要使用USB提供電力。
  6. 開啟Arduino IDE。 點選'Tools | Board',選擇 'Sanguino W/ATmega1284p 16 mhz'。 接著點選'Tools | Serial Port'選單,選擇您的AVR燒錄器通訊埠; 或是選取'Tools | Programmer'選擇您的AVR燒錄器。
  7. 選取'Tools'選單,選擇'Burn Bootloader'。 如果不順利,您可能會出現錯誤訊息,您可以透過網路來查詢排除這些錯誤。這取決您所使用的燒錄器。 當然,這也有可能是您的控制板有一些問題...

使用Arduino UNO當作ISP燒錄器上傳bootloader:

  1. You can burn/flash a bootloader with a Arduino UNO. The first thing is to update the ISP software into the Arduino UNO.
  2. Download the latest version of Arduino IDE software.
  3. Open Arduino IDE. Load the ISP software 'File | Examples | ArduinoISP'. Under 'Tools | Board' menu, select 'Arduino UNO'. Also select the good serial port.
  4. Click on the upload button to transform your Arduino UNO into an ISP programmer.

使用Arduino UNO當作ISP燒錄器與Melzi的連接如下,共四條線:

 * pin 1 MISO (Melzi) on pin 12 (Arduino)
 * pin 3 SCk  (Melzi) on pin 13 (Arduino)
 * pin 5 Reset(Melzi) on pin 10 (Arduino)
 * pin 4 MOSI (Melzo) on pin 11 (Arduino)
Arduino as ISP.jpg
  1. Connect both Arduino UNO and Melzi board to your PC.(The Melzi board needs power)
  2. Download the latest 'Sanguino' folder and install it like describe above.
  3. Open Arduino IDE. Under 'Tools | Board' menu, select your card between all Sanguino. If you don't know the card, you can pick one randomly. If you have selected the wrong card, the Arduino UNO will not burn the bootloader and will give you an error.
  4. From the 'Tools | Serial Port' menu, select the port your Arduino UNO is on. From 'Tools | Programmer' select 'Arduino as ISP'
  5. If the board you selected previously wasn't the good board, you will receive an error message saying something like board id 'XX' isn't the right one, where XX is in hexadecimal. If 'XX' is 'ff', double check wires, otherwise try another board type under 'Tools | Board' menu or check on Google the board type with the 'XX' value.


There is a version of the Marlin RepRap firmware for Melzi on RepRapPro Ltd's Github repository here. It contains the extra files needed for the Arduino IDE to talk to a Sanguino (and hence to the Melzi). These also allow you to flash the bootloader using an appropriate programmer.

There are more detailed firmware instructions on the RepRapPro site here.

As an alternative to the Marlin firmware there's the Repetier firmware for the Melzi which in my case worked better than the Marlin firmware. More details about this firmware can be found here. There's also a special firmware configuration tool (v0.92) with some nice features. If you like Repetier you can donate some money.

Melzi Arduino 接腳編號

#define X_STEP_PIN         15
#define X_DIR_PIN          21
#define X_MIN_PIN          18

#define Y_STEP_PIN         22
#define Y_DIR_PIN          23
#define Y_MIN_PIN          19

#define Z_STEP_PIN         3
#define Z_DIR_PIN          2
#define Z_MIN_PIN          20

#define E0_STEP_PIN         1
#define E0_DIR_PIN          0

#define LED_PIN            27

#define FAN_PIN            4 

#define HEATER_0_PIN       13 // extruder

#define HEATER_BED_PIN     10 // bed (change to 12 for breakout pin on header)
#define X_ENABLE_PIN       14
#define Y_ENABLE_PIN       14
#define Z_ENABLE_PIN       26
#define E0_ENABLE_PIN      14

#define TEMP_0_PIN          7   // Analogue pin
#define TEMP_BED_PIN        6   // Analogue pin
#define SDSS               31

#define SLAVE_CLOCK	   16

Setting motor currents

This is covered on this page: RepRapPro_Setting_Motor_Currents

Melzi additions

Melzi with Bluetooth

In order to get rid of the USB connection between Melzi and the PC one may like to use Bluetooth. There is a cheap module available in the market called 'JY-MCU' (vendor Shenzhen Jiayuan Electronic Co.,Ltd.).

Jy-mcu f.jpg Jy-mcu b.jpg

Change setting

Before the module can be used the default setting has to be changed. Connect the module from PC via USB<->RS232 (RxD/TxD) interface with default settings (9600, N, 8, 1). The module shouldn't be paired at that moment. Apply with a terminal program the following AT commands:

AT+BAUD8 OK115200BAUD (set baud rate for Melzi)
AT+NAMEHUXLEY OKsetname (optional set name, default: linvor)
AT+PIN0000 OKsetPIN  (optional set pin, default: 1234)

More details about the configuration you will find here [[1]]


On Melzi one of the unused buffer of soldered 4050D takes over the mandatory level-shifting (5V -> 3.3V). Overall only 5 wires have to be soldered. Note that the TXD outputs are connected in parallel which is not recommended. On Arduino boards the serial chip is connected to the main IC via 1kOhm resistors for this reason. This are not present in the Melzi board design.

BT Connection.png

Connect via Bluetooth

Once you have setup your BT devices you can select from drop down list and control your RepRap as usual.

Lcd screen

Gert added a lcd+rotary encoder on his Melzi, here is some pictures

A regular text-based LCD can be connected via I2C, as shown on this blog. The latest version of Marlin already supports a number of I/O expanders (PCA8574, PCF8574, MCP23017, MCP23008).

The Panelolu2 lcd+encoder is designed to work with Melzi and has an adaptor board for easy connection.

Melzi Fixes

Broken your Melzi? Maybe this will help (feel free to add your fixes):

Mini-USB connector detached from board

A repair by Kevin T:,239276

Can't connect to the Melzi (FTDI driver problem)

There has been an issue where a FTDI driver update, pushed out through Microsoft update, disables Melzi controllers that have a non-genuine FTDI chip. This chip is used for USB communication, so the board may look like it's working (LED flashing) but doesn't show up correctly, and Arduino IDE/Pronterface can't connect to it.

This thread describes the problem in detail:
Apparently, the only way to visually check the chip is described here:
There is a thread about it on the reprap forums here:,417199
There is a work-around for the problem (forcing driver installation, for Windows) here:,417199,418768#msg-418768

If the chip has been effected by the driver (ie deemed fake), the device PID is set to '0000'. You can check this in the Mac System Profiler, or on Ubuntu open a terminal window, run "lsusb" and it should show a device at "0403:0000". If you use Ubuntu, there is a tool for resetting the device PID correctly: Then update the FTDI drivers on your machines so it doesn't rebrick the FTDI chip.

Melted screw terminals

Sometimes, the screw terminals on a Melzi melt. More often than not, it's the bed terminal, and is due to the wire being poorly connected, ie loose in the screw terminal. It can also cause the MOSFET to fail, as it cannot dissipate heat generated as it switches on and off. RepRapPro advises customers to check the screw terminal connections periodically:

If the Melzi PCB is undamaged, you can simply replace the screw terminal. There are a couple of different screw terminal blocks, these are the most common:
This is the most common one -
this one is a bit taller, and easier to get the wires into -

The heated bed power cable carries about 10A at 12V, so any poor connection will tend to heat up. Check that your power and heated bed wires are stripped back far enough to go well into the screw terminals, and it's always worth checking that the screw terminals are well-tightened occasionally. Also, wire the printer with enough slack on the heated bed power wire so that it can be attached to frame, and there shouldn't be any movement of it at the Melzi end. But strain relief on any moving wire is necessary - try to make the movement in the actual wire, rather than at a connection point, to avoid the wire fatiguing.

Hotbed or extruder reporting wrong values

If your hotbed or extruder are reporting values even when the thermistor is not connected, it may be because the capacitor is spoilt. Try removing the capacitor and replacing it.

See RepRapPro Mendel/Huxley troubleshooting documentation for other temperature issues HERE

The avrdude errors when flashing firmware

The avrdude response is "avrdude: stk500_program_enable(): protocol error, expect=0x14, resp=0x50...)" when I try to flash firmware

First check that a new serial port appears when you plug the card into your PC. Then be sure than you burn a bootloader inside the card, see 'Bootloader Upload' section.

X axis only moves in one direction and/or Endstops do not work

This may be due to bad 644P Fuse Settings. The settings come from the bootloaders "hardware/arduino/boards.txt" file from sanguino. Good setting for 644P board are:


Then you need the reburn the bootloader with these settings.

Melzi Issues (Geeetech)

Below is a list of issues encountered with the Geeetech Melzi boards. These boards currently retail for as low as $50 USD (The v2.0 from other manufactures and some Sanguinololu's cost upwards of $80-90). My personal opinion is that the Geeetech boards are inferior, and will cost more in rework/repair/time than if a more expensive controller board were purchased instead (e.g. Melzi 2.0, Sanguinololo, or RAMPS). I purchased 5 of these back in January 2014, have repaired/reworked all of them, and have already replaced/upgraded two with other controllers --FlyingLotus1983 (talk) 19:47, 23 March 2014 (PDT)

  • Random short-circuits on the PCB traces. This is a manufacturing defect that happens to cheap boards that are not electrically tested. For example, one board had a short between the X direction logic signal and ground, which caused the X axis to only move in one direction. Another board had one of the microstepping jumper signal wires shorted to ground, so when I set the jumper (MS1-3), this shorted out the 5V rail to ground, which is very bad and dangerous.
  • The BTEMP and ETEMP resistors (R4 and R5) are the wrong value. The original Melzi was also 10K but changed to 4.7K over two years ago (The Melzi 2.0's use the correct value), however Geeetech is still using the wrong value. This hurts the precision of the thermistor, therefore it is better for to rework and replace with 4.7K than use 10K and change the thermistor tables in the Marlin firmware.
  • The voltage regulator is not capable of 24V input voltage. This is understandable if it was designed this way, but the board should still say somewhere in the documentation "only supports up to 18V input" or something like that. It doesn't. The "fix" for this is to set the jumper ("PWR-SEL") to USB, and also to possibly disable/remove the 7805 voltage regulator. Another fix would be to buy a 7805 that is actually capable of 24V input, from Digikey or another distributer.
  • The MOSFET transistors used will literally let out magic blue smoke if used with a standard Mk2b PCB heated bed wired for 12V. With 12V input voltage, and the Mk2b bed wired for 24V, the bed does not get hot enough to be useful. And when wired for 24V and given 24V input voltage, it does work, but only if an external heatsink is added to the MOSFET. This is very dangerous, and at the very least, the specifications of voltage and current should be disclosed to the user so they can add appropriate external MOSFET or solid-state relay. Obviously, as mentioned before, there are no specs anywhere on what sort of current/power the heated bed circuit can handle. The Geeetech boards do not use the RFP30N06LE's like the original Melzi board spec'd out, so I am unsure of exactly how much current and power it is capable of. Please use caution when hooking up a heated bed to this board.
  • One of the boards resets when the SD card is plugged in. Have not yet gotten around to trying to troubleshoot this one. (This is standard on all Melzi boards, and is because the SD socket shares the reset pin, I think. However, it may be because the SD socket runs on 3.3V, which it gets from the FTDI chip.)
  • The LED is really dim. They should use around 390 ohm for R25 but for some reason they use 1K.
  • The stepper motor trim pots used to set current (T1-T4) are not set to a low value from the factory. If they are not set to something reasonable (say 0.4V) before the stepper motors are plugged in and power applied, the board will get really hot and may be damaged. Instead the board should be powered up at 5V using USB and the voltages at the trim potentiometer wiper should be measured with a DMM, and tweaked until they read 0.4 volts. This should be done for all four trim pots, preferably before shipping to the customer. Since this step is not done, do not forget to do it. They do not come with instructions.

Please note that after contacting Geeetech, they have issued a product recall for a batch of boards (From 12/2013 to 03/2014). They have posted on their blog how to get the replacement components.

They say that "the main problems are the heatbed and extruder thermistors are using resistors that are 10kohms instead of 4.7Kohms. Secondly, The MOSFTEs for the heatbed used the 10N06 which can only take 10A current (now changed to the 35N06). For customers who are facing the Melzi boards issues, please contact GEEETECH service team via [email protected], and we will ship you the components for replacement free of charge."

This probably means installing them yourself, but its quite good.

Digikey replacement parts for Geeetech Melzi:

P4.7KECT-ND (4.7 OHM 1/4 Watt resistor)



RepRapPro - Melzi V2.0