McWire (Death March: Do not build!!!)

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Where to Begin

In many ways, the McWire RepStrap (aka "Seedling") can seem like as monumental a task as building a Darwin or Mendel RepRap. Relax. Building your McWire is going to take work, but won't be as overwhelming as it may now seem. The greatest advantage you can give yourself is to Plan Ahead. Think about what you're going to do before you do it, and why. This falls within the same logic line as "Measure twice, cut once." You can save yourself significant time and money if you plan ahead

Beginning with the Cartesian Robot The Cartesian Robot can be a good place to start if you have the tools and materials available to you. Because the cartesian robot is a relatively flexible design, you can make design changes to accommodate your needs and what you have available to you.

Beginning with the Electronics If you can get ahold of the electronics you prefer to use, starting with their construction can be rewarding. You can build and test your electronics without having constructed the cartesian robot.

Beginning with the Toolhead Beginning with the toolhead (typically an extruder) will help you to get going once everything else is done.


There are a number of websites in which builders have documented their experience putting together a McWire build. You may gain significant insight by going over their experiences. Here are the links to some of the sites: [Maker's Workbench] [Construct]


As mentioned above, Planning may be the key to your success and help you avoid delays, frustration, and save you money.
