Exquisite Automated Build Platform

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Exquisite Automated Build Platform

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One wiki editor has suggested renaming this page to conveyor belt build platform.

mendel abs (automatic build platform generic)

this is an attempt to make an automatic build platform for Mendel.

the idea, is to have a unit bolt onto the frog assembly no larger than 15mm in height, that uses a geared motor to move a belt of polyimide film around every so often to clear parts.

i will be uploading picture of my unit, and diagrams and how to make and machine and possibly print parts for it. note. my unit does not yet work. it does not yet have safety features.

6 essentials of design: 1) must not be two high as to prevent large objects from being built

2) must not be heavy as to slow down y movement and acceleration by more that 10%

3) absolutely must have a flat surface, and be designed sturdy enough to print for 100hrs without warping or adjustment

4) must allow printing of base layer without raft at a minimum of 34mm/s

5) must have a built in fail safe so as to not over temp. (fusible linkage, some mechanical fail safe that works no matter what fails)

6) must be tested by at least another member in the community.

7) must be easy to transport and assemble.

background. this has been talked about for some time on the reprap forum, although i would like credit for implementing this version, prior credit goes to other people. i will do a search and add those names later.

I also am documenting this here, so it remains a public document, and can serve of proof of prior concept.

how it works:

heater is a halogen bulb. spreader is either a copper board painted black, or aluminum tape on back side of tempered glass.

inside there will be wooden structures that support and keep surface from flexing. nylon spacers will be used in front and back for low friction movement of 5/16" (8 mm) rods about 10 inches wide, with polyvinyl tubing to allow it to have grip.

fusible linkage will be hooked up in series to lamp, and will be mounted and kapton taped to bottom surface.

side supports to bolt into the frog of regular Mendel bolt holes. side supports are made of wood because of low warping at high temp. rest are pocket for build surface will be slightly oversize, and gripped from the front inside, with rubber. allowing glass ore backside of copper clad board to expand freely.

here is a picture below of what i have currently



1/10/2011 so far i have been tirelessly in any free time i have had trying to make it work. i have been thru 7 designs variations, and have decided that heat lamp does not transfer enough energy to the surface. i can easily design a heated platform by etching a board, but this is not cost effective. i will try to make a regular pcb sheet with copper be able to be used. i also had to redesign the outside front a little bit to get the 15mm or less height. the height is now at approx 15mm for platform. but it is 2 inches wider. i will have some images later on possible uploaded by Wednesday. After that i will need to do a wiki cleaning.... and format this page... :)