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This has been moved to: http://objects.reprap.org/wiki/EMCRepStrap

EMC Based RepStrap

A collection of tools intended to RepStrap an EMC controlled CNC Mill or Router.

Riding on the G-Code based tool-chains being developed this project provides some relatively simple "glue" applications and configurations which are intended to make it easy to bolt an extruder to an existing CNC mill or router and start printing. See: http://www.linuxcnc.org

Consists of the following parts:

  • M-Apps : Small applications that EMC calls when it encounters a custom M-Code. See: MCodeReference
  • User-Space HAL Driver : Python application which provides status from the extruder back to EMC/Axis.
  • pyVCP : A virtual control panel providing a GUI for the extruder. Integrated into the Axis GUI.
  • HAL config files : Define the 'wiring' of the signals and ports defined by the User-Space HAL Driver and the VCP.
  • EMC ini File : More of a sample really. Has the various bits of configuration needed to pull all the above parts together.
  • axis_gts_handler.py : A Python application configured as an Axis FILTER which allows a GTS file to be opened directly from Axis. (Calls Skeinforge to process the GTS into G Code printing instructions.)

Feature Points

  • Uses the official Arduino-based extruder electronics and (thus far) the official Arduino firmware.