Druid Firmware

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Crystal Clear action run.png
Druid Firmware

Release status: Beta

Druid Logo.png
Dedicated Firmware that currently runs only on Flashforge CoreBoard (All revisions)
CAD Models
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Druid firmware is a dedicated 3D printer firmware that currently runs only on Flashforge CoreBoard (all Revisions).

Printer that uses this controller:

Flashforge: Dreamer, Dreamer NX and Inventor. Dremel: 3D20. Powerspec: Ultra 3D. Monoprice: Inventor 1.

The firmware is currently in it's Beta testing phase.

Currently supported Gcodes: (Partial list)

"G" Codes

G0,G1     - Coordinated Movement X Y Z E.
G2        - CW ARC.
G3        - CCW ARC.
G4        - Dwell S<seconds> or P<milliseconds> if both set (then S will be used, P will be omitted).
G5        - Cubic B-spline with XYZE destination and IJPQ offsets.
G6        - Direct stepping moves.
G20       - Set input units to inches.
G21       - Set input units to millimeters.
G27       - Park Nozzle.
G28       - Home one or more axes.
G90       - Use Absolute Coordinates.
G91       - Use Relative Coordinates.

"M" Codes

M0,M1     - Unconditional stop - Wait for user to press <CONTINUE> on the LCD.
M17       - Enable/Power all stepper motors.
M18,M84   - Disable all stepper motors, until next move.
M20       - List SD card. 
M21       - Mount SD card. 
M22       - Release SD card.
M75       - Start the print job timer.
M76       - Pause the print job timer.
M77       - Stop the print job timer.
M82       - Set Extruder(s) to Absolute (default).
M83       - Set Extruder(s) to Relative.
M85       - Set inactivity shutdown timer with parameter S<seconds>. 0=Disable (default).
M92       - Set steps_per_mm for one or more axes.
M104      - Set extruder target temperature.
M105      - Report current temperatures.
M106      - Set print fan speed.
M107      - Print fan off.
M115      - Report capabilities.
M117      - Display a message on the controller screen. 
M118      - Display a message in the host console.
M119      - Report endstops status.
M120      - Enable endstops detection.
M121      - Disable endstops detection.
M220      - Set Feedrate Percentage: "M220 S<percent>"
M221      - Set Flow Percentage: M221 S<percent>
M250,M256 - Set LCD brightness & contrast: "M250 or M256 C<contrast> B<brightness>"  (-100 to 100). (0 = disabled and default)                                                     
M300      - Play beep sound S<frequency Hz> P<duration ms>
M301      - Set PID parameters P I and D.
M302      - Set the minimum extrude temperature, to avoid cold extrusion. S<temperature>.
M303      - PID autotune - sets the parameters needed to perform autotune, for a specific heater and temperature range (New).
M304      - Set bed PID parameters P I and D. 
M309      - Set chamber PID parameters P I and D. 
M400      - Finish all moves.
M410      - Abort all planned moves.
M412      - Enable / Disable Filament Runout Detection.
M500      - Write parameters in next flash subdivision. (Note 1)
M501      - Read parameters from current flash subdivision. ( Automatically done at every boot )
M502      - Revert all parameters to the default "factory settings" and store in next flash subdivision.
M503      - List the current settings (in memory).
M510      - Lock Printer 
M511      - Unlock Printer 
M512      - Set/Change/Remove Password 
M524      - Abort the current SD print job started with M24.
M575      - Change the serial baud rate.
M907      - Set motor current using axis codes.
M995      - Touch screen calibration.

"T" Codes

T0-T1     - Select an extruder(tool) by index: "T<n> F<units/min>"

Note 1. Because of the small size for parameter storage (512 bytes), a 128K flash memory sector is used as permanent storage. The sector can be partially written 256 times (512 bytes per backup) before requiring a complete sector wipe, to restart the same process again. (That was 1 write cycle). The flash memory maximum write cycles guaranteed for the STM32F407 MCU by ST Microelectronics are 10000, yielding a total of 2.56 million times parameters can be saved.