All In One Electronics

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Revision as of 08:10, 15 July 2010 by Glasswalker (talk | contribs)
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Crystal Clear action run.png
All In One Electronics

Release status: Experimental

A Motherboard for all the electronics needs of the RepRap Mendel. Based on JohnnyR's Pololu Shield, but expanded.
CAD Models
External Link


NOTE! The electronics posted on this page are not the most recent version. I have revised it several times as I have found several flaws. But I have not had time to upload the latest version. You can use this for general overview info, but please don't build/test this, it *might* work in it's current condition but it's far from optimal. I'll try and upload the latest revision soon.. Sorry for the confusion and thanks for your understanding.


This motherboard was based on JohnnyR's pololu shield for the arduino mega... I designed it to be flatter (less vertical) but larger in footprint. It measures 4" x 6" in total. The design only stacks 2 boards deep. The Pololu drivers are beside the main arduino. And the design plans for active cooling. All the hot components are on the side seperate from the arduino, so that ducted cooling can be used.

In addition I have expanded out the capabilities. Increasing to 2 extruder controllers, and a heated bed driver. I've also added headers for an LCD and keypad, as well as an expansion port. Trying to max out the potential of the arduino mega, so that this board can easily be expanded in the future without starting over.

Also the board is hopefully designed so it can be printed with the mendel (the etch resist mask)

This page will be updated and fleshed out as I have more time, but there were some interested parties, so I thought I would get the initial info up.


This is completely un-tested as of now. I'm still in the process of building my reprap. The firmware that works on JohnnyR's pololu shield should also work on this board, (with the exception of the lcd/keypad). But it WILL require fine tuning (I'm using different digital I/O pins than he is, so you will need to customize that in the firmware before installing it).

If you want to test this out, you do so at your own risk, I can't be held responsible for any damages, death or dismemberment (I'm not quite sure how dismemberment would result from the use of this board, but hey you never know right?)

If anyone is interested in testing this out, please contact me on IRC as Glasswalker/Glasswlkr and I'll try to help. I'll figure out an option for email shortly.

3D Render

Here is a simple 3d render... The SIP Headers don't render out quite right, and this of course doesn't show the pololu or Arduino on there. And it doesn't include the heatsinks that I plan on installing.

Also the headers for LCD/Keypad and Expansion all are meant to be right angle sip headers. for lower profile under the arduino.


Schematics were done in Isis, so I'll have to save them out in another more usable format later. For now this lets you all see it.








EPS and DXF files

File:Allinone-motherboard.EPS File:Allinone-motherboard.DXF