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Future plans

The next version of RepRap will be RepRap 2.0 "Mendel". We hope to be able to incorporate more advanced features to bring an improved machine. This area is 'mostly' pure speculation. There is however a tinge of reality in the claims presented here. Feel free to attempt to do any of these things and report back.

A fundamental principle of the RepRap project is that anyone who has a RepRap machine will always be able to use it to build the next generation improvement. That way even if you start with the very bootstrap machine, you can always build your way back up to the full technology. Of course this may not always be possible, but we will try our very best!

The names will always commemorate famous biologists - after all, the point of RepRap is replication and evolution.


Materials Experimentation

ceramic, colored, conductive, cement, aluminum, wax, pen/paper or just plain cool!

Future Toolhead Ideas

And boy are there alot of them! Tools are what set humans apart from apes, and its no different with robots. The ones with better tools will be the ones who reproduce.

Optical Sensor

A simple FDM opto-interrupter module. Limit switches are crucial to 'injury' free operation. Ya don't want to be cranking on the old axes the wrong way now :D

Turning a DC Motor into a Stepper Motor.

This is a description of how to get a very cheap, very accurate encoder and DC motor/gearbox working together.

A Self-organising Peer to peer Cell-based WiFi Network

Say that twice!

Automated Circuitry Making

One really useful thing would be if a reprap machine could make its own circuitry. This would mean that it would reproduce more of its own parts and therefore be much easier to copy. No more making boards by hand. We have quite a few ideas we'd like to try. Feel free to try them youself (but let us know how it goes!)

Recycling Machine

For worn-out, outdated, or slightly wonky parts, a recycler is a must. Our plastics are biodegradable, but re-use is better than refuse.