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Crystal Clear action run.png

Release status: working

Adapto is a 3D printer that can be built with many different types of frames and frame materials.
CAD Models
External Link


The thought behind the Adapto 3D printer is that one can use the same printed parts on printers with different types of materials (in the frame).

The history behind this design is that i got hold of some alu extrusions that was intended to be used on a MendelMax. During the MM build i got so extremely annoyed with how over engineered it is so I decided to tear the MM apart in favor to make a design that only used 50% of the MM extrusions (that means i now have enough extrusions for 2 printers :D ).


I also designed the parts in a way that makes the builder able to use either Alu extrusions (20x20mm), wood, alu, acryl plates or plates made out of any material actually (if it is stiff enough).

I recommend not using anything thicker than 20mm thick plates/stripes (due to the y motor mount and y idler parts) and use max 34mm wide frame parts (due to the design of the feets), but thinner is ok if the material is stiff enough.


More information

This is also posted on:

The most up to date Files will always be on GitHub.


This is such an easy build it dont need much instructions.

  • Print the parts
  • choose your frame material
  • look at the pictures
  • BUILD IT! :D

Thanks to the entire RepRap- and Thingiverse- comunity for all the inspiration.

All the pictures can be viewed and downloaded from Thingiverse and GitHub

The Wooden frame is just an example of what you CAN use for frame material. Open your mind and let the creativity flow! :D

If you decide to build one, please feel free to add a pin on the Adapto map.


RP parts

This is the RP parts you need to build a 20x20mm alu extrusion framed Adapto with 8mm smooth rods, M5 Z-threaded rods and makes a 200x240mm build area with a Z travel up to about 270mm

So if you have a MendelMax frame laying around you can build 2 of these Adaptos :-)

This table is still under construction and is not yet complete.

Quantity Part Name Part Type Used Where Comment Looks like File Download
4 Y_Rod_Clamp_4_Off.stl RP Frame Holds the Y smooth rods firmly to the frame. You need 4 of these for each Adapto printer you build Adapto y rod clamp 8mm.jpg [1] GitHub,

[2] Direct

1 Y_Motor_Mount_1_Off.stl RP Frame Holds the Y motor to the frame. Fits a Nema 17 stepper motor just fine. Adapto Y motor mount.jpg [3] GitHub,

[4] Direct