Sarrus Z Linkage

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Revision as of 20:31, 25 February 2010 by Fdavies (talk | contribs) (More Descriptive Text)
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This page is a development stub. Please enhance this page by adding information, cad files, nice big images, and well structured data!

Crystal Clear action run.png
Example Development

Release status: unknown

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Working Notes. This is a stub!

Everything below this point is working notes.

Forum thread?


What is making the part like?

Text (Motivation)

I am exploring the Sarrus linkage. I think that it has the potential to make mostly printable linear bearings.

This is an attempt at making a Z axis that would be suitable for lifting a platform on which to print, or maybe holding an extruder from above.

It is a continuation of a series of attempts to use simple hinges to make complicated things.

I have named it the rather uninspired name of Z01 because it is just one part of a much bigger story, I hope. When I have a Sarrus based printer, I will probably name it Sarrus, to honor mathematician who came up with the fundamental geometry and to continue the reprap tradition of naming machines after people from the 19th century.

More Descriptive Text

Features: Intended to be printable on a Makerbot Cupcake (but I have not done it).

Unlike Other Example project, this is different and better. But we borrowed many elements. Also, we like creating New Example projects.

Example caption

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Well, there's New Example. And Another Example.

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Example/SubAssembly and Related Example. (As a gentle style recommendation, it's good to try to keep all your parts and files on the RepRap wiki rather than scattered around so that Library Staff and Volunteers don't have to write scripts and so on to get stuff back onto the wiki.)


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This page may contain "scaffolding" - mediawiki text from the Example page that may not need to be there. It may help to delete the parts that you don't need. (more details)