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Revision as of 20:23, 21 July 2012 by Ank5133 (talk | contribs)
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Draft ideas for a WikiPage on "Dual Extruders"

More coming soon!

-7/23/2012: Conducting minor troubleshooting operations on Repraps.

-7/20/2012: Performed demonstration on the Reprap function.

-7/19/2012: Spent two weeks printing out various parts to be used for construction of 3D printers.

-7/12/2012: Improved the look of the Media Timeline page by adding new entries.

-7/02/2012: Provided a template for the Open Hybrid Mendel page for future information to be added.

-6/13/2012: Started maintaining a blog which includes articles on multiple 3D printing topics.

-6/11/2012: Began work-study position as Lab Assistant