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A 'Splinescanner' is a machine that 'Splinescans', that is, makes a laser-scan and 3D model of a real object, like a baby's shoe or a six-foot tall sculpture at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

'Splinescanning' is the RepRap generic term for laser-scanning.

Note: nomenclature is a little non-obvious. A RepRap with a scanning head is a 'Splinescanner'.

Photogrammetry is not Splinescanning, but is functionally equivalent inasmuch as at the end of the day, you have a nice working scanned mesh.



Sub-millimeter scans of objects 2m tall.

Instructions on how to make one

Ideally, the Object Library hosts this information.

Ideally, it is easy to build using the RBS.

Splinescan is GPL so it works well with RBS and RepRap.


Andrew Lewis may have a cottage industry making and selling kits. He's also the developer. If you want to buy a kit, he's the best person to buy one from.