GUS Simpson

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Revision as of 14:37, 16 February 2014 by NeoTheFox (talk | contribs) (Assembly)
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Crystal Clear action run.png
GUS Simpson

Release status: experimental

Grounded Delta Printer
CAD Models
External Link

GUS Simpson is a experimental grounded delta robot 3D printer prototype, built in 2013 by Nicholas Seward in Hot Springs, Arkansas, USA. Simpson is named after George Gaylord Simpson who came up with the idea of Quantum Evolution, the theory that evolution can happen in abrupt burst. The name signifies that this is a quick divergence (idea to first print in 1 month) from other existing designs.

Design Goals






Bill of Materials

The STLs are available on Github as is the Bill of Materials.

It is recommended to print these parts in PLA at a 0.3mm layer height, 3 perimeters, 25% infill, and three top and bottom solid layers. It is also recommended to print HUB BOTTOM.stl, BOWDEN NUT.stl, and LOCK NUT.stl at a 0.2mm layer height due to the threads contained in these parts. HUB BOTTOM.stl should be printed with at least 50% infill as this part holds the whole assembly together in the center. Using these settings, it should take roughly 750-800 grams of PLA and depending on your slicing settings anywhere from 40-45 hrs to print.

Below is a gallery of the models in the git repository as of 11/27/2013:


Your choice. Currently gcode is transformed using a gcode preprocessor and then sent to GUS Simpson. I use Repetier for machine control.



One of the biggest gotchas is that all the holes for M8 and M3 bolts will probably have to be drilled with the exception of where you actually want to thread into the plastic. The other gotcha is that you will probably not be able to drop the 608 bearings into their holes. I put the part in an oven on low. I take it out every minute and hit it against a hard surface. When the tap turns to a thud you are ready to insert the bearings. I have heard reports that you can do this also by heating a bearing with a hot plate or heating the part with boiling water.

Arms stringing



Future Developments


1. RepRap Forum Development thread: Grounded Experimental Delta Printer

2. Nicholas Seward's Youtube Channel

3. Github Repository