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Blog 1: Thingiverse

We had to explore around on thingiverse and find different items.

Exhaust Compressor Wheels.jpeg

Something that is amazing

This is something I think is amazing, and could be very useful for an engineering demonstration if a prototype turbo was in the design process. I have a turbo that I modeled in SolidWorks and was not sure if the 3D printers would have the ability to print all the parts for it, but clearly they are fully capable of doing so.


Something that is funny

I think this is pretty funny because I follow a website called "TheChive" which has a lot of t-shirts, novelties etc. for Bill Murray. I always thought Bill Murray was really funny, especially in Caddyshack and wouldn't ya know it...somebody already has a 3D printer ready keychain!

Deer Ring.jpg

Something that is useless

Besides being somewhat funny, this ring is absolutely useless in my opinion. It's going to get caught on everything, and be in the way. Just don't.

Plastic Buckle.jpeg

An item that is useful

I like making paracord bracelets, but it's not always easy to find plastic buckles that curve to the shape of a person's wrist, so with 3D printing one could choose customizable radiuses for a specific person or just make one anytime the buckles break. In my case, my roommate's dog destroyed mine!

NeoPixel Coat Buttons.jpeg

Something which surprised me

This definitely surprised me as I was browsing through Thingiverse. I thought it was a pretty cool idea though if you want to stand out in a crowd at night!

Blog 2: Marcin Jakubowski's Open Source Ecology Project

Question A: I want your general impressions of the OSE project; positive, negative, utopian, etc. Please do a bit more research than just viewing the video, as it is now several years old and they have made some progress since then. Links to more recent videos and media will earn you a better blog.

Response to Question A: After watching the short video presentation by Marc Jakubowski on the OSE project my first impressions were both positive and negative. My first positive impressions came about when Marc admitted to being useless with his hands, in the sense that he could not build or create any physical piece of equipment. I often find that many people who live in their minds, and can prove mathematical theories, derivations etc. do not place any value on those others who are just the opposite. Those opposites are people who have a tough time grasping difficult concepts in their mind, but can build just about anything with their hands, and get practical work done. So, it was nice to see somebody as brilliant as Marc admit that those hands-on skills are extremely valuable, and take the time to learn and understand them to the best of his ability. I personally believe that developing both aspects is extremely important, and produces some of the best engineers.

It also left a positive impact on me that he was not only willing to humble himself by learning those hands on skills, but then took the time to create open source blue prints with instructions on how to build essential equipment for a self-sustaining society. Most people who come up with good ideas just want to cash in right away, sell out and leave the project they started behind them. However, I think Marc truly has a good heart and means well with his intentions to help developing/underdeveloped countries create a self-sustainable society with what seems to have an ultimate goal of ending starvation.

The one negative thought that was running through my mind while the video was quickly highlighting some of Marc’s equipment, specifically his tractor, was that his lack of experience in the field may lead him to believe that he has designed an adequate piece of machinery, but in reality it is anything but that. Just because it has four wheels with chains providing decent traction and a motor does not necessarily qualify it as an adequate tractor. As an agricultural engineer, things such as drawbar pull, floatation, compaction, weighting, and a PTO for implement attachment points are some of the first things that crossed my mind when I got a quick glance at his “tractor” that he built in six days. Will his equipment work on a very small scale for the “average joe” who wants to tinker around and start their own farm? Probably. Is it a better solution for a third world country with limited resources, and better than pulling a plough with a donkey? Absolutely. Will his equipment hold up for anything more than that? I am highly skeptical. I did find a more recent video (2011) of Marc outlining his project in more detail, as well as some of the plans for his machines. After watching this video, I do have a bit more confidence that they will meet the job requirements because he claims that each machine will meet industry field testing and specification standards. However, I am still skeptical of how the cost analysis was done for the machines. Starting at 2:56 in the video, a chart is displayed comparing the cost of his machines to comparable machines used in industry. According to his chart, it looks like the cost of a skid loader built is only a couple hundred bucks?! I do condone the fact that he is developing CAD models for each piece of equipment, and has even hired developers full time provide free CAD software for the builds.

Question B: The New Yorker magazine recently had a fairly critical article regarding Marcin's OSE project. Find/link that article and summarize its critique. Marcin had a response to that: I'd like your response to both of these pieces.

In response to the New Yorker article: I think the author is poking a lot of fun at Marcin, which I guess is necessary to keep the attention of the audience as a journalist. I don’t think I would be so hard on somebody who is trying to do something for a good reason. However, some of the cracks at Marcin and his utopian self-sufficient community are valid points. I also had a hunch that Marcin is probably having trouble finding qualified workers to help construct his projects which seems to have been confirmed in this article. I can’t really say if I like or dislike the article. I am indifferent.

In response to Marcin’s New Yorker article response: I really liked how Marcin responded to the heavy criticism of the New Yorker article. He thoroughly broke down each point of criticism that the author of the New Yorker article brought up, and either defended himself/his community or elaborated on how they are making progress. For example, the author of the New Yorker article basically stated that the workers that typically come to help Marcin are highly unqualified to perform the necessary hands on work. Marcin admitted that this is sometimes a problem, and specifically outlined that he and his team are doing their best to continually upgrade the living spaces of the Factor e Farm so that it attracts better candidates. He also specified that his project is more than just for self-sufficient communities, which definitely made it more clear to me what his goals are. Also, after viewing the video Marcin had embedded in his response to the New Yorker article which highlights the progress made in 2013, I have higher hopes for his machines. They clearly have been able to perform their function, but I still would like to know the true reliability of his rudimentary craftsmanship. Marcin's 2013 progress video can be found here. I had to join vimeo to view the video, so if it does not play right away, that is probably why.

Question C: Imagine we want to create capabilities similar to what Marcin has made at PSU (something like an OSE student club, or another effort). I don't think the administration or trustees would support such a thing, but there might be professors who are interested in supporting such a thing. Do you know any of them? What do they do, and why do you think they would be interested in such a project? Imagine you are looking for allies to do such a thing. Whom is on your list and why?

Response to Question C: If an OSE student club or something similar were started at Penn State I can think of one professor that would be interested. I am currently enrolled in his class which covers internal combustion engines for agricultural applications. The class covers all types of engine platforms from small Briggs and Stratton gasoline engines that would be used in something like a lawn mower, to heavy duty diesel engines that can power large tractors, agricultural equipment and could provide adequate power generation for a small community. The class not only covers design theories and practices, but also has a designated lab time for tearing down engines and rebuilding them to their original state. The professor who teaches the class has had thirty plus years of experience working at Caterpillar, one of the most successful large industrial equipment manufacturers in the world and is extremely knowledgeable in the field. He also has done extensive research for Penn State in alternative fuels such as vegetable oil and biodiesel for compression ignition engines. These fuels are renewable and widely available through the fermentation of natural sugars available from crop waste/residue such as the corn stalk or leaf. If properly refined, these alternative fuels can serve the same purpose as current petroleum products that we rely on foreign countries for. This professor also grows his own fruits and vegetables as the seasons allow, so he is knowledgeable in proper crop management and harvesting techniques.