Talk:Build a RepRap

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Revision as of 05:45, 16 July 2013 by Traumflug (talk | contribs) (There is no longer an active RepRap repo on SourceForge.)
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Note: Before posting a Mendel Variant here

Please post to the RepRap Administration Mailing list before adding Mendel Variants to this page. Each design on this page should be at a minimum proven to successfully print a 3d object and be able to reproduce some of it's parts. This page is meant to be a landing page for RepRap users and should not include non-working designs or those that are in development, Category:Mendel Development is intended for that.

Slicer software

I wonder if the section of CAM STL>G-Code software is up to date. I have seen Slicer being used by some and there may be others, I am not a specialist yet so will not make edit here but looks like there may be some bits missing.

KalleP 09:06, 6 May 2012 (UTC)

Semi-anonymous polemic, moved here

(As one gets here by clicking on "build a RepRap", should model that are Gratis really be listed? Sure enough the page welcomes selfreplicating projects, ye faithful old but, the project itself is Freely available. Like it or not, this is the original spirit of the RepRap movement, the whole Free flow of ideas without restrictions which is a bit "more" than just "gratis", especially in an.. or well.. a project with one of it's consequences; usher humanity into an age of wealth without monetary means. Hence, I for one suggests that the gallery below could list solely frontpage compatible RepRap models, i.e.; GPL compatible dito.)

Preceding was added to main page, and seemed to belong with the discussion section. I finally was annoyed enough to move it here; I'm not sure of the original author.
