Etched heatbed construction

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Revision as of 04:13, 1 July 2013 by Traumflug (talk | contribs)
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Here is my version of how to produce your own hetbead with the toner transfer method:


  • I use 1200 or 1000 ppmm sandpaper to roughen the copper. This allows fine details.
  • The laser printer is a cheap Samsung ML-2525W (69€).
  • Watering of the ironed layout lasts just a few seconds, before the paper can be rubbed off with latex gloves on.
  • The iron should be as hot as possible. The longer you iron the board, the less breaches in the layout will occur when removing the paper.
  • Never iron directly on the paper. Details will be smeared an lines will not get sharp. Use one or two layer of paper towel as a buffer to the iron.
  • Use pressure but try to avoid to move the paper with the molten toner. It's a question of training to become perfect.
  • Laminating instead of ironing seems more comfortable, but doesn't give the best quality possible.