User Manual: Host Software

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Revision as of 18:02, 11 March 2009 by (talk) (How to get Ant working with Netbeans)
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  • If you are having trouble with any of the axis' make sure you check your Cartesian-bot for mechanical problems (friction, alignment) and check to see if your Electronics are working properly.

Setting Host Port Preferences when using Windows

To find out which COM port the USB or serial port is using, go to the Windows Control Panel (Start -> Control Panel) and then the Hardware Manager (System -> Hardware -> Device Manager). Scroll down to Ports (COM & LPT) and expand the tree by clicking on the plus sign. There you should see something to the effect of a Communications Port (COM1) and USB Device (COM5). It may not be COM5 on your machine it all depends on how Windows addressed it when you installed the drivers

Then use search to find the file. Right click and edit. Search for Port(name) and change to match your com number. This must be in caps without spaces. Mine for example is Port(name)=COM4.

Save the changes.

package org.jdesktop.layout does not exist

This apparently means Ant or Eclipse or whatever environment you are building from can't find Netbeans.

To get Ant to work I did the following:

   find / -iname '*jdesktop*.jar' 2>/dev/null

This spits back the location of the netbeans package. For me it was "/usr/share/netbeans/platform7/modules/org-jdesktop-layout.jar".

Next I opened up ~/projects/reprap/Reprap/build.xml I then edited the javac element to contain the netbeans package in the classpath:

       <javac source="1.5" target="1.5" destdir="bin">
           <src path="src"/>
               <path refid="project.classpath"/>
               <path location="/usr/share/netbeans/platform7/modules/org-jdesktop-layout.jar"/>

I'm not sure this is the best way, but it got things working for me.