Generation 3 Electronics/Tech Zone Remix

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These electronics are based upon the generation 3 electronics provided by Makerbot Industries.

We are calling them the TechZone remix (TechZone is short for llc). The version numbers have been preserved, to indicate which version of the Makerbot they are comparable to.

These are the same circuit, except where loaded; but, the layout has changed slightly, and the instructions on the RepRap web site, to use it on the Mendel instead of on the Makerbot have already been made and included in the new layout.

There is also a revised Bill of Materials (see attached). File:Gen3ElectronicsTechZoneRemix-BOM.xls

File:Example edit name then click to upload


Extruder Controller:

Stepper Controller:

Opto Endstop: This board has been severely modified, so that the LED lights up when there is NOT an object in the sensor, rather than when there IS an object in the sensor

USB to TTL: This board is not available in the makerbot set, they sell a cable instead, or at other places in the reprap forum you can find instructions for using a generic breakout board and Serial adapter.