A4988 vs DRV8825 Chinese Stepper Driver Boards

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The Arduino Mega 2560 + RAMPS 1.4 combination is presently (December 2014) widely available and just as widely used to control 3D printers, either in the form of original components or more often than not, as inexpensive "Made in China" clones. Similarly, inexpensive "Pololu-style" stepper driver boards that plug directly onto RAMPS boards (usually four or five stepper driver boards are used) are available from China with two different stepper driver ICs, namely the Allegro A4988 and the Texas Instruments DRV8825.

Inexpensive "Made in China" RAMPS 1.4 board without stepper driver boards.

How inexpensive can these stepper driver boards get? Well, right now a set of five Made in China A4988 stepper driver boards goes for around $6.50, whereas a similar set of five Made in China DRV8825 stepper driver boards is available for around $10.

A4988 and DRV8825 stepper driver boards side by side.

This situation begs for the question: is it worth getting DRV8825 stepper driver boards instead of the more popular A4988 boards or not? Which one is the better choice for my 3D printer? Which one is more reliable / less unreliable? Can I mix A4988 boards with DRV8825 boards? This page is an attempt to provide sufficient information to make a rational choice and answer these and other related questions, if possible.

A4988 stepper driver board

I am pretty confident that the Allegro A4988 is an utterly tested and proven solution to drive stepper motors in RepRap printers.

An inexpensive "Made in China" Pololu-style stepper driver board based on the popular Allegro 4988 IC.

DRV8825 stepper driver board

And this is the new contender, a stepper driver board based on the Texas Instruments DRV8825:

DRV8825-based inexpensive stepper driver board.

Comparison table

The following table compares Made in China A4988 Stepper driver boards vs DRV8825 ones, for RepRap use:

A4988 DRV8825
Availability very widely available widely available
Approx. price $6.50 / 5 pieces $10 / 5 pieces
Max. theoretical current 2A 2.5A
Max. microsteps 16 32
PCB color Green / Red Purple
Stepper current adjust. trimpot Yes Yes
PCB layers 2 4(?)
Small heatsink included Almost always Sometimes not
Active cooling required? Recommended Recommended
IC packaging 5x5mm 28-lead QFN 9.7x6.4mm 28HTSSOP

Note that some important technical characteristics from the respective datasheets of the ICs are not directly comparable. For example, the DRV8825 is fully specified in terms of thermal characteristics, the A4988 is not.

It is very important to keep the stepper driver ICs below a certain temperature during printing, since both ICs feature thermal overload protection that when triggered (typically when the die reaches a temperature of around 160 C), shuts down the output stages i.e. halts the print midway and ruins the part.

Regarding the small heatsink, it is not sure whether it has a real impact on cooling the ICs, as both depend much more on proper PCB layout and solder pad contact for heat dissipation than on dissipation through the top of the IC package.


Use Cases

(add your own here) (TODO: make this into a table) AndrewBCN - 4 x A4988 boards on RAMPS 1.4 clone - Adjusted to provide 800mA per stepper (1A for extruder stepper) - 3 months - zero issues - Note: cooling provided by 80mm fan blowing directly over stepper drivers.