Wade's Geared Extruder

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Crystal Clear action run.png
Wade's Geared Extruder

Release status: unknown

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Geared Nema 17 Extruder
CAD Models
External Link

This is a work in progress, and any feedback is very welcome.

My Repraps, both Darwins and Mendels are all currently limited by the speed and reliabilty of my extruder. I use a Mk II Extruder for most of my printing, as it has proven to be the most reliable, but it won't extrude much above 3 mm^3/s of ABS or PLA. My goal is to try and build a reliable, printed extruder that can extrude at least 6 mm^3/s, and with luck, more.

I have built several direct drive pinch wheel extruders, but none have yet had enough torque to extrude at 3 mm^3/s, so I decided to backtrack a bit and try for a more robust extruder design.

Here is what I've got so far:


This extruder is a variation on Adrian's geared Nema 14 extruder. The gear ratio is currently 44:14, which isn't a huge reduction, but it does help quite a bit. It also allows me to use a very small pinch wheel, a 7 mm OD, 11 tooth gear, mounted on an M4 bolt. This has the advantage of a very small radius, reducing the torque required, but introduces significant variability in the feed rate, due to the small number of teeth.

Driven gear.jpg

The driven axle is simply a long M4 bolt; the driven gear has a 7mm hex socket to transfer the torque, and 5mm of extra hub to help hold the gear perpendicular to the axle.

Driven gear side.jpg

Driven gear.jpg

Driven gear.jpg