Burning the Sanguino Bootloader

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This tutorial uses Ladyada's USBTiny to burn the bootloader via ISP (in-system programming) to an Atmega644p based RepRap board. Other Atmel chips should also work (ATmega1284, etc.). You can also burn the Sanguino Bootloader using an Arduino as the ISP. Charles Gantt has written an excellent tutorial and uploaded it to the Wiki here Burning_the_Sanguino_Bootloader_using_Arduino_as_ISP.

USBTiny on Windows

You will need:

Once you have the above hardware and software, burning the bootloader to the Atmega644p is a simple process:

  1. Connect the six pin cable of the USBTiny to your RepRap board's ISP header. Orientation is critical (red wire corresponds to pin 1)!
  2. Connect a power supply to your RepRap board and turn the supply on.
  3. Connect a USB cable from your computer to the USBTiny. If this is the first time you've used the USBTiny, you will be prompted to load its drivers.
  4. Open Arduino.
  5. Click Tools. Set Board to "Sanguino"
  6. Click Tools. Under Burn Bootloder, choose "w /USBTinyISP". There may be more than one occurrence in the list; usually the first works. If not, try the next.
  7. Arduino will begin burning the bootloader. The process takes about a minute or less.
  8. After Arduino reports "Done", press the reset button on your RepRap board.
  9. Disconnect the USBTiny's USB cable, then disconnect power from the RepRap board. You're ready to load firmware!

USBTiny on Ubuntu

here's how to do it from the shell, assuming you have the blue atmel usb programming dongle:

wget http://sanguino.googlecode.com/files/Sanguino-0018r1_1_4.zip
unzip Sanguino*zip
sudo avrdude -patmega644P -cavrispmkII -Pusb -U flash:w:Sanguino/bootloaders/atmega644p/ATmegaBOOT_644P.hex

if you are using usbtiny, instead do:

sudo apt-get install libusb
sudo avrdude -patmega644P -cusbtiny -U flash:w:Sanguino/bootloaders/atmega644p/ATmegaBOOT_644P.hex