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Crystal Clear action run.png
Kossel Clear

Release status: Commercial (Kickstarter)

Delta robot 3D printer with extrusion frame.
to be defined.
CAD Models
External Link

The Kossel Clear is a parametric delta robot 3D printer project funded through KickStarter in 2013 by Blue Eagle Labs, probably based on the Kossel printer. The printer has a relatively large printing envelope of 11" (diameter) and 11" height, which is smaller than the original Rostock delta printer but larger than the more recent Kossel. The design relies on aluminum beams, acrylic laser cut parts and printed parts.

Assembly guide and resources

A collection of videos has been made available by BlueEagle Labs. See [1] for a nice playlist.

  • Brackets
  • Rollers
  • Extrusions
  • Belts
  • Arms and Effector
  • Electronics

Mechanical part assembly


  • Bowden tube pops up: you must use an M4 nut and thread the Bowden tube in it. See [2]
  • Some users have also had success modifying the extruder printed parts to accept a 4mm (OD of input) push fitting in a 5mm threaded hole along with an updated design to reduce skipping.

Electrical part assembly

Hot end

Electronic part assembly

3D printing software


LCD becomes scrambled
This is caused by interference with a stepper motor. Move the LCD cable away from the motor or wrap the LCD cable in aluminum foil.

Auto level probe doesn't reach the bed
open Marlin_main.cpp find "destination[Z_AXIS] = -20;" and make it a more negative number.

Auto level probe misses a click
This is ok, sometimes the electrical connection is made before the mechanism in the switch makes a click noise.

Filament drooping on overhangs
Try printing with a cooling fan. Try this mod by Shane - go to the Kossel Clear google group and search for "Print head fans plus lights mod".

Motors dont stop at top endstops and stutter very loudly there``` You have mis-wired your endstops. Additionally you may have the endstop and roller screw mis-aligned.

To fix the wiring - either try and double check against the Wiring Diagram ( found on the BEL website under instructions ) or do it via trial and error. NOTE: always change wiring plugs when all the system is powered OFF.

To fix the alignment - you can put 2 3mm nuts in between endstops and the acrylic part they are attached. Photo later.

Auto level probe is digging into tape on bed
