RUG/New Jersey

From RepRap
Revision as of 22:52, 17 October 2010 by Buback (talk | contribs) (project sugestions for the RUG)
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Local suppliers

Please list NJ suppliers of any and all Reprap parts. It's great that there is so much international good-will within this community, but it's a hard economy and we should try to buy locally when we can. This will also save us all lots of money and time in shipping.

We should stay with metric because it's just a hell of a lot easier to use.

  • There is a McMaster-Carr store down by Trenton, according to google maps. I'm not sure if it's a retail location of just somewhere to pick up orders. If you live down there, check it out and post your experience here.
  • Metric ground rods and studding
  • Metric nuts and bolts
  • Is there any better place to buy bearing other than
  • RP parts
  • electronics and motors

We will need a logo if we ever go to a Maker Faire or similar. A logo would also be useful to direct members to a meeting location (i.e. printed out and posted on the door of a multi-purpose room)

Group Projects

Wiki Cleanup

it's not flashy, but until there is a group brainstorming session, you can do your part by cleaning up the reprap wiki.

Reprap Outreach

Tell your friends and family, and when they get sick of you and your stupid machine, find somebody else to tell.

  • tell your college about reprap, especially engineering dept heads. Having some more grad students working on reprap would help advance the project in leaps and bounds.
  • see if your local highschool has any technical classes, like architecture/3d modeling, Metal/woodworking classes, etc. and ask if they would be interested in having you come in for show and tell.
  • keep an eye out in papers or on billboards for any cool science fairs or craft fairs that a reprap booth would fit in at. if you find one, post about it in the NJ RUG forum.


Until there are more members, or we have a project to work on, we'll probably just use the forum and wiki to communicate. New Jersey is the biggest little state. Those who live here know that it's not how far away something is, but how long it will take you to get there. South Jersey people aren't going to drive two hours north for a meet up, and vise versa.

However, If you have a show or fair that you are taking your reprap to, please post the time and place so we can meet fellow reprapers and show our support.


RepRap Map link.


None yet planned until there are more members. Add your name below or drop a hello in the forum if you'd like to be informed once we reach critical mass (maybe 10 people?)



Also please list your general area or county, and the status of your machine(s)

  • Buback - Warren/Morris county - Mendel, not yet extruding