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Irina 1.0


- 5 motores Nema 17.

- kit que contiene lo siguiente:

1x Complete set of RAMPS 1.4 electronics: - 1x Complete soldered RAMPS 1.4 - 5x A4988 Complete soldered G3D driver with additional CLK trimpot (this is much better than StepStick or Pololu due of selectable off-time) - 1x Mega 2560 - 1x Complete soldered Sdramps extension - 1x Cooler Fan - 14 cables (complete wiring cables set):

  • 6x 3 PIN cables for endstops
  • 3x 2 PIN cables for thermistors
  • 5x 4 PIN cables for motors

- 1x Japanese ceramic screwdriver - 2x EPCOS 100k thermistor

1x LCD and SD card LCD/SD panel with RAMPS GADGETS3D Shield: - 1x soldered and assembled panel with 4 rows LCD, SD card connector, ALPS rotary encoder. - 1x soldered RAMPS GADGETS3D shield for easy connect panel into RAMPS 1.4. - 1x Kingston 4GB SD card. - 1x Plastic knob - 2x 10pin flat cable of 1 meter length. - 2x 10pin flat cable of 35cm length.

1x RepRap Heatbed MK2a PCB - 1x MK2a Heatbed PCB with LED's and resistor soldered - 1x NTC EPCOS type 100K thermistor - 1x Red and Black wires cable which can easily handle over 10A and save your time (special wires for handling high power)

1x Mechanical Endstops set - 3x Mechanical Endstop (RepRap/Prusa/Huexley style)

1x G3D Buda-style pre-assembled Hotend - Pre-assembled G3D Buda-style HotEnd - 1x 0.4mm nozzle - 1x 0.5mm nozzle

Me faltan las varillas, el marco y las piezas imprimibles. Me estoy consumiendo poco a poco.