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Blog Entry #1 - Browsing Thingiverse

After browsing Thingiverse for awhile, these are the items that I felt met each of the categories:

1. Useful: Bag Holder

While this design may seem silly, I feel like it would be useful in my everyday life. For someone who knows the pain of having to carry four, five, maybe more grocery bags at once while unloading your groceries, this would definitely come in handy for me. I'm a college student, I'm lazy, and I definitely hate taking more than one trip when unloading my groceries from my car, so something like this would make that task very easy and less-painful when trying to carry multiple grocery bags in one hand.

2. Artistic: Flame Light Shade

While browsing through the popular things, I stumbled upon this particular design. It caught my eye and I think its really neat looking. I feel like someone very art oriented would be the person to print something like this out and have it sitting in their house.

3. Pointless: Wolverine Claws

Aside from using these as a prop during Halloween, I honestly can't think of any other reason why you would want a set of Wolverine claws. I understand there are certainly people out there who would love a pair (specifically comic book fans), but I just don't see why I would want to print out my own set to be honest.

4. Funny: Sleeping Pig

I found this design funny simply because the person took the time to make a miniature sized version of a statue they had sitting in their garden. The sleeping pig sitting in someone's yard is funny enough, so if I saw a small sleeping pig sitting on someone's desk, chances are I'd probably chuckle a little. However, I must say the creator did a pretty good job at recreating the object.

5. Weird: Robohamster

This particular design was featured on the main page last week, and my first impression of it was that it was pretty weird look. While I thought this particular design could certainly fit in several other categories, I think weird describes it best. I'm not really sure why someone would want a robot hamster, but whatever floats your boat.