Mondrian3.0 Build Manual

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Mondrian3.0 Documentation


Outils fournis avec le kit

Outils à fournir

En bonus

General tips

  • Read the whole manual before starting to get an overview of the building steps (total: 12 hours of assembly).
  • The FoldaRap is made of a base frame and several sub-assemblies. Some can be done in parallel to save time, gather your friends and establish a new building time record !
  • Work on a cutting mat if you have one: it will protect your table plus they often show a millimetre grid that can be useful to check the bolts length (with experience you will recognize them by looking or holding one).
  • Place your mouse over a picture to know the element name.
  • Do not hesitate to have a look at the 3D model in SketchUp (before/during the build): it will show you the folded/unfolded state of the machine and you can play around with it.

Étape 1 - Coins (base)

M22-base-corner.png x4 coin-base Mr105zz.png x8 roulement 605zz

Étape 2 - Structure (base)

Étape 3 - Chariots Z

Étape 4 - Axe Z

Étape 5 - Plateau Z

Étape 6 - Chariots Y

Étape 7 - Chariot X

Étape 8 - Capteurs

Étape 9 - Structure (sommet)

Étape 10 - Panneau électronique

Étape 11 - Câblage

Étape 12 - Tête d'impression

Étape 13 - Panneau électronique (suite)

Étape 14 - Plateau chauffant

Étape 15 - Câblage (suite)

Étape 16 - Réglages

Étape 17 - Finitions