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Crystal Clear action run.png

Release status: Working

Replicape A4A.JPG
BeagleBone Black add-on board
CAD Models
External Link

Replicape is an add-on board (Cape) for BeagleBone and BeagleBone Black enabling 3D-printing. It uses a standard Linux disribution (Ångstrom/Debian) for running the Gcode daemon (Redeem) and real-time stepper timings is handled by the two on-chip Programmable Realtime Units (PRU) present on BeagleBone. The stepper motor drivers are TI DRV8825 with programmable microstepping (1-32) handled via SPI and use of serial to parallel chips. Stepper current is programmable with use of a DAC controlled with I2C. Additional capes can be stacked on top for additional functionality, including Reach which extends the number of extruders to 5.


Replicape Revision A4A is the work of Elias Bakken, with contributions from Stoneshop (Rev A3 complete layout change) and Dirk Eichel (help with heater MosFet EMC considerations and lots of input on DC-DC step down layout etc.) The board has been designed for volume production, but can be soldered in a reflow oven. The accompanying firmware is written in Python for easy extensability with the path planner implemented in C and based on the Repetier firmware.


  • High power stepper drivers (DRV8825)
  • Individually programmable stepper current and microstepping
  • Designed for two extruders and heated bed
  • Based on a powerful development board (BeagleBone Black)
  • Fused at 20A (standard car fuse) for PCB and component protection
  • Expansion connector with 3 DAC channels and 5 PWM channels (used by Reach)
  • All heater MosFets have MosFet drivers for cool runnings.
  • On board DC-DC voltage regulators for 12V and 5V allows single 24V PSU.
  • Firmware written in Python, path planner in C, stepper timings in Assembly
  • LEDs for indicating MosFet state, power and fuse blown.

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Wiring diagram


Hardware CAD files

Schematics, layout and BOM can be found on Bitbucket: For convenience, here they are as PNGs:

How to get it

The latest guide for assembly is for Rev 1, so it is somewhat dated, but can serve as a starting point. An updated guide is welcome: