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This page is a development stub. Please enhance this page by adding information, cad files, nice big images, and well structured data!

Crystal Clear action run.png

Release status: experimental

CAD Models
External Link

A miniaturization of the Mendel design. The machine uses M6 threaded rods and M3 nuts and bolts (as opposed to the M8/M4 used on Mendel) and NEMA 14 steppers. The reprapped parts are about 30% of the volume of those for Mendel, which is to say it could reproduce three times faster.

Here's a close up rendered by M.BrittCrane: MiniMendel.png

I've found suppliers for all of the parts, and the estimated cost of the Mini-mendel would be under 350 euros (in Europe). Note that because the design is not yet stable, you may need to order more to get everything working satisfactory.

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You can ask ErikDeBruijn for edit permissions to this Google Docs sheet.

I've printed all RP parts in ABS, they weigh about 300 g. This means you can print 2 sets with your first kg of ABS if you use rafts. Blog posts related to this: -- Erik